Team Rocket and the major Pokemon battle

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( It was early in the morning, and Yeager heard something.)

Kaz, did you hear that?

Yeah, I did and it doesn't sound good.

Go get the rest of Team Fireball and tell them that we're under attack and I will use my Pokémon to battle the Team Rocket grunts.

Ok, I'm on it Yeager.

( Kaz ran over to where the rest of Team Fireball was and told them what was happening.)

So Giovanni is here with Team Rocket grunts and Yeager is battling them?


We have to help him.

Agreed, let's go Team Fireball.

( Kaz and the rest of Team Fireball ran to where Yeager is and he saw him battling the last Team Rocket grunt.)

What is that Pokémon Poe?

That's an Arbok.

It looks like a Cobra.

Sogaleo, use zen headbutt.

Roar, Sogaleo said in response.

Wow, Sogaleo took down the Arbok.

Yeah, that was amazing Yeager.

Thanks Kaz, now we deal with the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni.

So, you think you can beat me?

Yeah, let's do this Yeager.

Ok Kaz, I'm right behind you.

I have a secret weapon, Kyogre, I choose you.

Raawr, Kyogre roared as it was sent out of the master ball.

Kaz, where did you get a Kyogre?

I caught it yesterday.

Ok, Sceptile, I choose you.


( As the battle is winding down, Giovanni still has a secret weapon too, his Weezing. And it used smokescreen. And they retreated.)

*Coughs*, *Coughs*, K-Kaz where are you?

I'm here Yeager, what's wrong?

I can't breathe in this smoke, let's get out of here, Yeager said as he coughed.

( When Yeager and Kaz got out of the smoke cloud, it cleared and he had his arm on Kaz's shoulder.)

Yeager, are you alright?

N-No, I feel lightheaded.

" Yeager," Kaz said as he ran to his side.

Kaz, what happened?

Poe, Yeager passed out from the smokescreen and have you seen Team Rocket?

No, they ran away before I could catch them.

Poe, go get a bucket of cold water with a wash rag,  I'll bring Yeager to his bed.

Ok, I'm on it.

( So Kaz brought Yeager to his bed, then he sat right beside him as a single tear rolled down his face, when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.)

Kaz, it's going to be ok Poe reassured.

Hey guys.

Hey Neeku.

How's Yeager?

I don't know, but Giovanni is going to pay for what he did to Yeager.

Frog, Frogadier.

Yeah, I agree Frogadier.

Hey Kaz, something is happening to your Frogadier.

What's happening?

He's evolving.

( As the evolution ended, Kaz is now the proud owner of a Greninja.)

Gren, Greninja.

Yeah, I agree Greninja, Giovanni needs to pay for what he did to Yeager.

*Groans*, Kaz?

Yeager, you're up.

What happened?, Yeager said as he coughed.

We had a battle with Giovanni, then his Weezing used smokescreen, then you passed out. What is the last thing you remember?

All I remember is battling the Team Rocket grunts, then the rest is just a blur.

You're safe now and Team Rocket ran away like cowards. And I want to avenge you getting hurt by hunting down Giovanni with the help of the rest of Team Fireball and my newly evolved Greninja.

Wait, when did your Frogadier evolve?

He evolved when you were still passed out.

Wow, he's amazing.

Yeah, he is.

Umbre, Umbreon.

Hey Umbreon, Yeager said as he pet his dark type Pokémon.

Woah Kaz, is that your Greninja?

Yeah it is Neeku, and I'm going to make Giovanni pay for messing with Team Fireball.

Not without me your not, Tam said as she had her ground and dragon type Pokémon, Garchomp by her side.

Hey Tam, did you know that Garchomp can fly right?


Yeah, I've been doing research and Garchomp's Pokédex entry says that it can go as fast as a supersonic jet.


Yeah, I read it in the Pokédex I have.

( So Kaz rallied Team Fireball together to hunt down Giovanni and confront him.)

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