Two|| Sticks And Stone Will Break Your Bones [edited]

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"Ah, just like a k-drama."

"He's so lucky."

Do these people have anything useful to do? "I'm so sorry." He began to apologise, smiling sheepishly. "I should be the one apologising. I should have paid more attention to my surroundings." I say trying to wiggle my way out of the position we're in. I awkwardly managed to pry loose and was about to walk away when I still felt his grip on my wrist. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and spoke in my monotone voice. "My hand-" Before I could finish my sentence he yells out in surprise and backs away with his ears turning a bright shade of red.

Soon, my attention was soon grabbed at the students' scurrying away as soon as a group of men appeared behind him. Burn Knuckles? Well, this school just got interesting. I walk past the boys wearing overalls not paying attention to awestruck faces. Did they recognise me? They were well aware of who I was. The stories from the press were nothing compared to what gangs heard or specifically, seen. They definitely recognised a familiar delicate and beautiful girl who was unknowingly lethal with the skills she possessed. It is said she could disable her target, no matter the security around them. She was like a poisonous flower with hair so black, eyes that were filled with flames and lips that could intoxicate with the touch, a burning rose.

"Woah." They breathed out.

I slid open the door to the Fashion Department. I walked in after hearing Zack, Zoe and three other boys. I take a random seat beside Mira and a girl I hadn't met yet. "I really hate that", Mira says tucking a hair strand behind her ear. I picked up the pen I had noticed laying on the table and twirled it between my fingers out of boredom.

"Why don't you just go out with him? He's nice to you~" The girl tried persuading the other. "He's always fighting", Mira whined. Hearing this, I let out a hum, agreeing to some extent. It can be quite irritating to have a partner who enjoyed bullying the weak especially when you despised violence. But Zack's fighting style is a hit and run out boxer, he was a rising boxer in middle school and has a history of violence. Hence, he needs a good influence on the person he loves, Mira. I let the girls continue their chat, ignoring the strange feeling in my chest.

"Zack's punch is lightning fast, really."

"I couldn't see his fists."

I focus my attention back to the obnoxiously loud group at the front of the classroom. Another deep sigh escaped my lips. Mira gave me a wandering gaze as if she needed to ask something. I was too immersed with my own thoughts to have noticed. She quickly brushed passed her thoughts and looked away once she saw my brows furrowed a bit. Perhaps, she thought I wanted some space. I leaned in from my seat holding my cheek in my palm with my elbow resting on the desk.

I occasionally gazed at Daniel which only got me blushing in embarrassment. I let a puff of air out through my nose. Why am I embarrassed? Do almost all girls stare at him? But that doesn't make it right, Ji-Young, it comes off as stalkerish, I tell myself.

"Hey, I'm not proud of it", Zack began. Our eyes met, I guess I was the only one who took notice of his eyes softening but why? In those three seconds, I felt my heart stop, I gave a blank expression, almost frozen under his gaze. Luckily everyone was too fixated on their own things to notice this. When he looked away, I whispered under my breath in surprise, "Wow..."

I quickly refrain myself once hearing them talking about a boy at the convenience store? My eyes turned to that of hurt and I let out a sigh of disbelief. I began clicking my pen again and again to calm my nerves. Click. Click Click. Click.

"That piggy's mom must be a piggy too."

"Pigs are born from pigs. Haha."

"What if the piggy brings his mom? Lol."

Lookism x tonystark!brucewayne!oc! (discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ