chap 1

817 58 63

Someone's POV

"What the heck is wrong with you Jungkook? Why are you throwing things around?"  Jimin came out of their room and saw a drunken Jungkook. There were a lot of broken glasses and vases and etc... Jungkook again threw all the things on the breakfast table without a second thought. Jimin was shoked and scared after seeing this side of Jungkook in the middle of the night. He was more scared about his baby who wasn't even born yet. Jimin was bewildered. He couldn't understand anything that's happening in front of his eyes.

"Wrong with me hah? Wrong with me? You are the one who is wrong here. Not me." Jungkook looked at Jimin with anger filled eyes.

"Jungkook you are drunk. Don't behave like this. You are scaring me baby. It's not good to the baby Jungkook. So please stop behaving like this baby. Let's go and get some sleep please." Jimin said while trying not to cry harder and one hand on his  five months tummy.

Jungkook glared at Jimin with venom filled eyes as soon as those words left Jimin's mouth. "Hah haaa that peace of shit in you. " Jungkook said while laughing like a man who went crazy suddenly.  "Don't call your baby like that Jungkook. That's yours too. This baby is ours Jungkookie." Jungkook spat to his side without braking the eye contact with Jimin. "You fucking slut. How dare you? You went whoring around with random guys behind my back and and got pregnant with someone's shit. Now I am the one who should take the responsibility?"

"What are you talking about Jungkook? I would never do that to you baby. Why are you behaving and talking shits like this? This baby is yours. I am only yours. I've never slept with anyone expect you Jungkook. You know that too.. You are.." Jimin didn't get to complete his sentence, Jungkook slapped him so hard across his face. Jimin touched his cheek and started to cry harder because of the sting in his cheek.

"Shut the fuck up you bitch. I never want to be a dad to a random dude's shit. Go fuck around. I don't care." It started to echo in Jimin's mind for a while before he came to his senses back.

"Why are you like this Jungkook? Don't be like this. I love you. You know that right? You are drunk baby. Come. You need to sleep baby. Let's talk about this tomorrow. When you are in your right mind." Jimin went near Jungkook and tried to touch his cheeks. He pushed Jimin's hand away and slapped him again.

"Don't even think about touching me you man whore. I hate you jimin. I fucking hate you slut. Get out of my house. Never show your face again to me you worthless whore." Jungkook spat at Jimin again.  Jimin felt so sad after hearing those words comes out of his man. . He never thought Jungkook would ever talk to him like this. This is enough. So, Jimin decided to leave for now and talk to Jungkook later when he is calmed down and out of his drunken haze.

Jimin went to their room then picked his luggage and put some of  his clothes in to it. When he come out from their room jungkook  was sitting on the couch. "Get lost you bitch." Jungkook said when Jimin comes near him.

"Don't be like this Jungkookie. Please. You know I've only love you." He came to Jungkook and grabbed him by hand that was on couch. " Oh is that why you fucks with others and got pregnant? Bitch never come to me again saying this bullshits"

Jungkook grabbed Jimin by his hair and dragged him to the front door of their two story house before pushing  jimin out of the door. Jimin lost his balance and went to fell on his tummy. Somehow he managed to turn before he hit his tummy yet sudden change in posture made him hit his head on the floor. But he saved his baby. Jimin was now filled with anger and hurt.

"Are you fucking heartless? What do you do if something happens to to the baby? My baby could have been died." My baby came out of his mouth except our baby. Jimin's mind was numb with the anger he had.

"I don't fucking care. That piece of shit ain't mine. Hope that shit would die in your womb than come out. Get out slut." That's enough. Jimin thought. He couldn't control him self anymore. He stood up infront of Jungkook with his bleeding head.

"Don't ever come to me or don't even try to meet me again Jeon. Starting from today I don't even want your friendship. This ends here." Jimin said pointing them selves. "Everything I had with you it all ends here. From now on you are no one to me. Remember that. "  jimin said and glared at Jungkook with tear filled bloody eyes.

"Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?  I don't give a fuck you bitch. " This time Jungkook slapped Jimin way harder. Jimin wasn't expecting it and he lost his balance with all the power Jungkook had pumped in to that slap and he lost his balance before falling on to the floor hitting his tummy from side.  he heard the slam of the door before his body went numb and darkness started to flash before his eyes.

"Nooo..." Jimin woke up from the dream he had. Sweating crazily and crying so pathetically. It looked like a dream but it's not a dream. Its a nightmare which actually happened in Jimin's life.

Love you. Saddist me started my angst journey. 😂😂
ur JAE.

REVENGE (JIKOOK)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن