No Idea What your dealing with

Start from the beginning

" Thank you." You said looking back up at him. In return, With his eyes still as wide as ever, his mouth twitched into an awkward smile, Showing his sharp teeth that had red and black tints to it. You had to suppress a giggle. yes, it was scary, but seeing Hoolan trying to be charming while not really knowing what he was doing was a little comedic.

He saw you trying to hide your smile and his smile only got wider showing you even more of his teeth. Now you couldn't help but giggle. his smile was so dorky in a... sea monster sort of way you guessed. His smile was a lot like Hubert's smile when he was being a goofball.


The feeling Humorous moment gave you then left your body faster than someone could snap. How could you be laughing like that when Hubert's corpse was a foot in front of you. Not to mention it was his killer making you laugh. Your smile turned into a deep sorrow expression and you looked back down at the fish.

You didn't have to look up to see that Hoolan's smile was gone from his face too. You heard him blow out a deep frustrated breath from his nostrils. He nudged a fish closer toward you with his hand. That looked different too. It used to look like Hubert's hand. Now it looked like it was becoming like Hoolans flesh when he was a sea spider. The nails were longer too and ended in sharp-clawed tips rather than rounded human ones.

" You need to eat." He said, nudging it again after you didn't make a movement to grab it. Reluctantly you grabbed the fish and took a bite out of it. You almost gagged but you kept it down. No matter how much you disliked it this was what you had to eat, and you didn't want to starve to death. Plus you did not want to upset Hoolan again.

There was a long moment of silence between the two of you. Only the sound of breathing and chewing was heard in the cave. He joined you in eating, grabbing a fish for himself. You wanted to ask him, but you didn't know how he would react. 'Now or never' you thought to yourself.

" Hoolan." You whisper said after another minute of quiet.

" yes, polyp." He replied almost instantly.

" Can I ask you a question?"

" You can ask me anything Polyp." You didn't quite believe him on that but you decided not to put that into words. You ran through your head how you wanted to word your question.

" Can... you bring some things back with you when you go out next." He said nothing after you finished speaking. Tilting his head sideway's in confusion. You continued " Like... ornaments, or jars to...." Your mind went blank, 'Quick! come up with something!' you internally screamed at yourself. " To Decorate the cave, you know, to make it a little homier." To your complete surprise, a smile once again spread across his face.

" Of course Polyp." Before you could react he was on you, wrapping you in an embrace that smelled of rotting kelp. the leftover water in his clothing soaking into yours. " You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that you are accepting your place here." You didn't make a single move in the embrace. You had to be careful to keep up the act and make him keep believing that. He let go of you and started to pace across the floor on all fours. looking excited like a child the day before their birthday.

" I could also dig you a Smoother dip so it's more comfortable to sleep on, I could remove the stalagmites if they are bothering you, Anything you want polyp I will do it for you." he finished sitting down in front of you once again, fidgeting like it almost hurt him to sit down. your eyes were wide at what was going on. you had never seen Hoolan so excited. You almost felt bad for tricking him. Almost. You put a small smile on your face.

" Thank you Hoolan."

- -

Three days had gone by since your unexpected successful conversation with Hoolan. He not only brought you jars but seashells, more flowers, fishing nets, weird looking pieces of metal that you feared were from the remnants of the base, and even fish bones. You used the nets to make dangling ornaments with the seashells. Hoolan would hang them from the stalactites for you. Growing wicked hooked claws on his hands and his feet morphing into what looked like talons so he could climb the rock. You didn't use the fish bones. You had had enough of death in the past few weeks.

Abyssal Attractions ( Yandere creature x reader)Where stories live. Discover now