Chapter 3: PK FREEZE Pt 1.

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A/N: have NO idea who is gonma read this YEARS later. But remembered it. I still love Smash Bros. I have a lot of fond memories writing this as well! I will try to continue it! Ultimate is out! I'm so happy! And yes I still love Ness and Lucas. Perhaps even more now :')
I'm not one to use art without permission, so I made new art.

Since getting out seemed somewhat impossible the Smashers gave up. They are just gonna find a way to defend themselves in this odd establishment.

Ness and everyone else who was spread out went to where the front door was. Dark and hard to see, it was also crowded now.

"N-Ness is that you?" Lucas' voice was heard amongst the crowd.

"Hell no, that's Villager to you, bucko."


A light flickered on showing what the cameras were seeing. Little Mac was right in front of it. "Those are the things that attacked Popo and Nana?"

Everyone seemed scared.

Shulk noticed that the doors seemed to be run on batteries.

"Guys, don'tcha think these doors are a bit flawed?"

"Oh god... oh fuck" F.Robin whispered


Toon Link let out a high pitched "What the FUCK"

Shulk closed the doors. "Well I mean if they run outta batteries they aughta stay closed anyway right?"

Little mac shook his head "Actually...the manual says the doors stay UP when they run out..."

Lucas started crying "Why??? That's so stupid?! Where's Ness...If I'm gonna die... Might as well tell him how I-"

"LUCAS THAT'S IT!!" Ness' voice was heard from the opposite side of the room.

"You can PK FREEZE the doors shut!"

Little Mac shook his head "It's immune to-"


Since everyone was cramped everyone got extremely cold right after the freeze didn't even work.

Shulk shivered "Damn it's cold, Robin..." then whispered "but you're still hot"

Robin wasn't even near him...


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