"That would be me." A strong British accent says making me turn and try to find the owner of that voice. When I do find the owner of that voice I chuckle because I know who that guy is. We exchange pleasantries and then the actor is dragged away.

"That's Daniel Craig right?" Jill asks when we are alone while everyone is setting up.

"Officially no it isn't, but unofficially yes it is." I say.

"So does that mean?"

"Yes that means we are on set of the new James Bond movie."

The director comes over and tells me that when I'm ready I can get in the water. I strip out of my training kit leaving me in a sports bra and nike pros. I would wear a wetsuit, but I didn't bring mine and I'm not using one of theirs. I get in the water and wait for my cue and when it comes I take a deep breath and submerge myself under water.

They really didn't need a safety diver. The actor was in the water for maybe two minutes and all he did was swim through a tunnel. After my time on set is done Jill and I head back to the hotel and go to the meal room since dinner has started.

"Where were you two?" Mal asks when we enter the room.

"I was a safety diver for an upcoming movie and Jill came with me."

"What movie?" Pinoe asks.

"Can't say. We signed an NDA."

- - - - -

This camp is becoming boring. I'm ready for the games to start. All we do is eat, train, eat, press/media, train, eat, team stuff, sleep. That's how the past week or so has been. The only saving grace is I get to fall asleep with Lindsey in my arms.

Today is the day before the first send off game against South Africa and we are having a meeting about tactics and starting line ups and all that stuff when Jill makes a sudden announcement.

"Alright Ladies I have a surprise for you." Jill says and motions to the door causing everyone to turn around and look at the door to see their moms walk through the door.

Everyone greets their family while I stand off to the side watching the happy families. Lindsey is really happy and she is wiping the happy tears from her eyes and face.

Jill comes over to talk to me. "I'm sorry Cairo."

"It's fine Jill they deserve this...Do we have the rest of the day off?" I ask and she nods. "Cool if you need me I will be in my room." She nods and I slip out of the room before heading to my room and once there I pull out my sketch pad and start drawing.

- - - - -

Lindsey's POV

When the doors to the conference room open I see some of the girls Mom's and I look around for my mom and when I see her I wrap her in a big hug and we sit down with a couple other girls and their mom's at a table and start talking. Our table is so engrossed with talking that I don't notice my girlfriend wasn't in the room. When I do notice she isn't here I look around to see if I overlooked her, but let's be honest I could never overlook her. Jill comes over and discreetly slips a note into my hand that tells me Cairo is in our room. Everyone at our table decide to split up and spend time with our mothers.

Mom and I go up to my room first and when we get there we see Cairo drawing while bobbing her head to the music coming out of her phone

"Hey Cairo" I say to get her attention causing her to smile at us and pause the music.

"Hey Beautiful...Hi Linda" Cairo says causing me to blush.

"What are you working on?" I ask and she shows us the drawing

"What are you working on?" I ask and she shows us the drawing

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"Told you she was an amazing artist." I say to Mom who nods.

"Why are you drawing Angelina Jolie?" Mom asks

"She was on a movie I saw while flipping through channels trying to find something to draw."

"Well we are going to go get some lunch why don't you join us Cairo."

"I don't want to intrude on your mother daughter time"

"Oh don't be ridiculous Cairo. You are apart of our family now so come on."

Cairo chuckles and closes her sketch pad and grabs her phone and wallet and follows us out to mom's rental car. The three of us went out to lunch where we talked and ate for a while. Mom then took us out shopping...well she took me shopping. Cairo didn't want much so she offered to carry the bags the whole time. Once we finished it was time for dinner so we went back to the hotel and ate then went to bed.

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