Chapter 5

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Lynn POV

I wake up in a strange room. It looks like a hotel, but I'm pretty sure I passed out on the floor of my own room. And who came in from the door and took me here?

My questions get answered when I see Stef coming out of the bathroom. "Oh good, you're up. I was getting worried," she says with a sense of relief in her voice. "Why am I here?" I ask her, trying to get out of the bed. She comes over to me and softly pushes me back on the bed. "You don't remember?" She asks, furrowing her brows.

"I remember, but I'm just asking why did you come and get me, how did you even know I needed help?"

She looks away from me and I see tears forming in her eyes. "You called me and never hung up," she says, still looking away. She heard everything. I feel my cheeks turn red with embarrassment. "Oh," is all I can say. "But still, why did you come and get me?" I ask curiously. It can't fit in my head why would someone like her want to help someone like me. She now looks at me in confusion. "Of course I came to get you, you think after what you said, after what I heard I could just sit here and hang up?" She asks a bit angrily. I instantly pull my legs to my stomach and wrap my hands around them, making myself as small as possible. I know what happens when people get angry. But as soon as she sees me doing that, a scared look crosses her face and she says:"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just mad at everyone who made you feel like you're not worth anything, or that no one cares about you. Because I care." I don't know what to say to her. Or if I should even believe her. Her voice and facial expression seem sincere, but past experience has shown that often people don't mean the good things they say and just end up leaving. Sensing my hesitation, she asks:"You don't believe me, do you?" I shake my head. "I see no reason you should care," I say quietly, but she still hears it. "Trust me, one day you'll believe me. You've just been hurt too much. I'm so sorry," she says, pulling me into her arms. I'm too tired to pull away so I just let her wrap her arms around me. And then I realize I don't even want to pull away.

After a while she lets go and turns her head away. A few seconds later I realize it's because she wants to hide the tears running down her cheeks. I don't know what else to do so I just take her hand and squeeze it softly, to pull her attention on me. As soon as she looks at me, I whisper "thank you." She doesn't say anything, I just see a tear escaping her eye and rolling down her cheek. She then turns her attention to my left arm. Following her gaze, I freeze in horror as I see my sleeve covered in blood. She lifts her hand to roll up my sleeve, but I quickly pull my arm away.

"Let me see," she says with pleading eyes and offers me her hand. Now it's my turn to cry. I can't show her that. It's embarrassing. No one has ever seen my cuts or bruises, I always hide them. I feel tears on my cheeks and I begin to sob. The sadness feels so suffocating, I jut wish I would have a razor blade with me now. I need to cut to make it feel better.

Stef just pulls me on her lap and wraps her arms around me again. "It's okay baby, it's okay. I've got you," she whispers, her voice breaking. I look up at her only to see that she's crying too. That's my fault. I just make everyone sad. I'm a horrible person. Who doesn't deserve the comfort of her hug. I pull myself free from her grip and try to stand up. I instantly get dizzy, but I still try to make my way to the door. I can only take a few steps before the world starts spinning and I fall to the ground. I close my eyes because of the pain and feel someone's arms around me, pulling me up from the ground. In a few seconds I feel that I am on the bed again.

I open my eyes to Stef's worried face. "When was the last time you ate?" She asks with a very worried voice. Since I don't have enough of energy to lie, I answer truthfully:"I honestly don't remember, but it has to be at least a week ago." She shakes her head and without saying anything, just pulls me into a hug. I feel my shoulder getting wet and looking at her, I realize she's quietly crying. I hug her back and hide my head in her shoulder.

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