Chapter 2

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Lynn POV

I started crying. I mean, she's my idol. I've loved her since I was 11 years old and wished I could meet her. And here she is, hugging me and trying to calm me down by rubbing my back. "Why are you crying baby?" She asks with a worried look on her face. "I mean it''s YOU, I've dreamt of meeting you for years and now you're just standing here," I blurt out. She lets out a small laugh and says quietly:"It's okay honey, I'm just a person. You don't need to cry for me. Would you like to go somewhere and talk?" I look at her, her facial expression seems sincere. I nod and try to wipe away my tears.

We walk for about two blocks before she pulls me into a small cafe. We sit in a booth and I nervously look around. I've never been here before and now I'm here with Lady fucking Gaga. "You look worried," she says with a concerned look on her face. She looks so sincere all the time. Like she's really worried. "I'm just...starstruck I guess. I mean, I've loved you for 8 years and now you're here. In person. It just can't fit in my head," I answer with one breath. She laughs, again, and says with the warmest vioce:"No need to be nervous honey, I love all my little monsters and at the end of the day, I'm only a person. Just like everyone else." Her piercing green eyes are set on mine. I try to say something, but it seems that I have lost my tongue, so I just nod again. But she doesn't look away from my eyes. "Your eyes look so familiar. Almost just like mine, but with a hint of brown.."she's thinking to herself out loud. "Yeah, I just wish I could've at least met my parents, see who I got my eyes from," I say with a hint of sadness in my voice. "You're adopted?" she asks curiously. I nod and look away. Adoption is still a touchy subject for me. I was left with a foster family when I was about 2 hours old, I can't remember them though. They left me at an orphanage about a year later. From then on I've had three foster families, but they have all gotten tired of me. The one where I'm in now just uses me to get money from the state. So yeah, not a great story. So many people have gotten rid of me. Maybe I am worthless, I mean that's what everyone keeps telling me. All those thoughts spin around in my head and I feel like they might crush me. I feel like I'm drowning. A few tears escape my eyes and roll down my cheeks. From the corner of my eye I see Gaga getting up and for a second I think that she's gonna leave, I mean that's what everyone does, but she just come to sit beside me and pulls me into a hug. She doesn't say anything, just softly strokes my hair. I don't deserve a hug. Or anything else in that matter. And that just makes me cry harder.

For a while we just sit there, her arms wrapped around me and my head on her shoulder. Her hug is so comforting, it helps me through my anxiety attack. Like magic. Still not letting go of me, she asks quietly:"Do you want to talk about it?" I know I WANT to talk about it, but I also know that I shouldn't. I don't deserve help or any kind of relief from this pain. Sensing my hesitation, she quickly adds:"if you don't want to talk about everything right now, you don't have to. You can tell me whenever you want, okay?" With that she slips a piece of paper in my hand. The paper has nothing but a phone number on it.

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