Chapter 4

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Gaga POV

As I drive off from Lynn's house I feel bad. No, not just bad, I feel horrible. But there was nothing else I could do for her. Punching her dad in the face wouldn't have helped her much. Even though I would've found it very pleasing.

I'm still shaking in anger. How did he dare?! But right now there's nothing I can do to help. I hope she at least calls me when something happens. It's a small chance, but I gotta hope.

I reach the small hotel I'm staying at and go to my room. First I pace around for a while. I just can't get Lynn and what's probably happening to her right now out of my head. I should never have left her there. Her dad is a horrible person.

In a little time I get tired and sit down, bouncing my knee up and down, waiting for her call.

But she doesn't call. My phone just quietly sits on my lap. As time goes by I get more tired and tired, so I decide to go to sleep. I don't even change, I just lay on the covers and close my eyes. Just when I'm drifting off to sleep, my phone rings.

I pick up and say hello with a very tired voice, it has been a long day. "Hey, it's me Lynn, you told me to call you," a quet voice on the other end says. When I hear her voice, I shoot up from the bed, the tiredness gone in an instant. " Everything okay?" I ask worriedly. I don't even want to think about what happened to her. "I-i don't know, maybe I should just fall asleep and never wake up again.." her voice trails off. This scares me, what if she's holding a razor or a bottle of pills right now?! But I try to stay calm and just keep her talking to me. "No, you should not. Ever, you hear me?" I ask her, but get no answer. I had already set my mind on going to get her out of there when she called, so now I just run out of the hotel and sit in the car. But what I hear next, makes me stop dead in my tracks.

First I hear a loud thud and then another one. A weak voice saying "Please don't" and then just another thud. It's not hard to imagine what he's doing to her and the thought of that makes me drive. To not pay attention to speed limits and drive faster then I've ever driven before.

When I'm almost at the house, the thuds suddenly stop. I wonder what happened. I really hope that he just left her alone, but I know that's not true. I feel like something bad is happening.

My fears come true when I hear her pleading again. But this time it's worse, she's really scared. I just push in the gas pedal and drive faster.

I'm already at the house when I hear him moan. For a second I freeze. This is exactly what I was afraid of. I quickly get out of the car and put the phone in my pocket. I can't bear to hear it.

I run to the front door and try to open it. Luckily, it's not locked and I get in. I quickly run upstairs and open doors, trying to find the one she's behind.

Finally I open a door to a room that has two people in it. One laying on the floor and one hovering over the other. I go closer and see the girl passing out. The man on top of her looks up at me in confusion. I'm so angry that I don't care what will happen to me, I don't care how famous I am or how much trouble I'm gonna get in, I just sucker punch him in the face.

Taken aback by my harsh movement, he stumbles a few steps back and leaves the girl in front of me. I pick her up and go out of the room and then downstairs. I don't know what I'm gonna do with her, or where I'm gonna take her, but one thing is sure; she's never coming back here.

I hear someone rush behind me and feel him grab my arm, he pulls me back. I lose my balance and stumble a couple steps, but fortunately don't fall. "Where are you taking her?" He asks with an angry tone. "Away from here," I hear my voice shivering. Not because I'm afraid, but because I'm just so angry. I pull my arm free and walk out the door. I set her limp body in my car, wondering how could a 14 year old girl be so light. After she's strapped in, I go back in the house, I figured she would need her stuff.

The dad looks surprised to see me again, but I just walk past him and go to Lynn's room. I open the closet and the small amount of clothes doesn't surprise me, but saddens me. Such a great girl like her deserves a good life, not something like this. I sigh and grab a random bag to stuff everything in. I take everything I see from the room and then turn to go. Only to see a big man standing in the doorstep. He looks at me grinning and tilting his head. "Well, since you just robbed me of my companionship, you'll do," he says licking his lips and stepping closer. I want to run past him, but find myself frozen, I can't move until he's already too close. He tries to grab me by my waist, but I have already seen too much bullshit today, to just be still and let him do whatever he wants with my body. So I just kick him in the crotch and slap him. "She's NEVER coming back," I hiss through closed teeth. I really want to punch the guy, but I can't seem to. Instead, I just walk past him and out of the door.

Once I'm in the car, I quickly check on Lynn's breathing. Slow, but steady, she'll be okay. I hope.

I pull out of the driveway and drive off into the night. When I see Lynn's small body next to me, all I can think is that I might not be able to ever let her go. The thought of adoption is scary, but if that's the only way to always keep her safe, then that's what I gotta do. It sounds ridiculous, I just met her, but I feel some unexplainable connection to her.

I finally reach the hotel and take her to my room. It's already so late and quite honestly, I'm very tired, so I just put her on the bed and pull the covers over her. She looks so peaceful. And when I'm lucky, she'll forever be peaceful. I make sure of it. I lay down beside her and pull her close to me. I'll never let you go again, I think to myself right before I fall asleep.

When I wake up I see Lynn still sleeping next to me. I hope she's okay, she's been out for a while now. I get out of bed and go change into some more comfortable clothes. I even consider changing Lynn into one of my pjs, but I'm not sure if she'd feel comfortable with me changing her, so I don't

When I've eaten breakfast I first call a doctor, who says that she'll be okay and that she'll wake up soon. And then I just sit and wait for her to wake up. She has a lot of questions to answer. Including why does she have blood all over the sleeve of her shirt.

Author's note

Again, to everyone that's still reading this shit, thank you and I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I know this wasn't a very interesting one, but it'll get more interesting, I promise. XOXO

Adopted by Lady GagaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora