Hell hath no fury

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"I hope you know why your here Mr. Kaylai." Said the headmistress as Kaylai sat down in a hard,plastic chair. Kaylai shrugged. The headmistress bristled. "These were found in your room." She hissed, reaching in her drawer. Kaylais palms began to sweat. The books! I forgot to hide them! He thought, panicking. Play it cool, Kaylai. She hasn't shown anything yet. 

Just then, the headmistress pulled out a bag of gummy worms. "You know these are not prohibited on campus! Too much sugar can lessen ones concentration in their studies! I will dispose of them this once, but if they are found again, you will be expelled. Understood?" 

Kaylai breathed a sigh of relief. That was too close. "Yes, Headmistress. It will not happen again." The headmistress looked pleased. "Very well. You may go now." Kaylai stood and turned to leave. "Oh, Kaylai?" The headmistress called. Kaylai turned to face her. "Yes?" The headmistress smiled coldly. "Beware of  No One."  She started to laugh, and laugh, and laugh.....

Kaylai spun and ran fast. Her words echoed in his head. Those four words terrified him.

                                                                   Beware of No One

Hey y'all! How is you doin'? What should happen next? Tell me in the comments and don't forget to vote! First idea will be used in the next part! Happy reading and sweet nightmares! Love,

                                        E. O. M.

He saw No Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें