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"Did I interrupt something?" A voice at his door joked." I mean whoa! You always get the hot chicks!" Jack, Kaylai's best friend, joked. Kaylai rolled his eyes and pulled on his shirt. Jack looked around Kaylais room. He spied the book, and quickly closed the door.

"Why do you always risk your life for paper and ink?" Jack said quietly. Kaylai looked into his mirror and brushed down the mess of hair he had. "If you read just one book you would understand. Besides, this one is the best one yet!" 

Jack sighed. Kaylai was smart, and handsome. But he risked his life, and people already suspected something was up. "Look just get your ass to Training, or Coach will give you hell." Jack said, walking out of the room.

                                                          Training room

"Why are you late, Kaylai? Sleep late again?" Coach boomed as Kaylai joined the crowd of running students. "Yes, Coach." He said. Coach eyed him and blew his whistle. "I want Kaylai to run ten laps on your five. Deal?"

"Deal." Everyone chorused back to him. Coach blew his whistle. "Go!" The sound of thundering feet echoed around the room. Kaylai sprinted ahead of the crowd and rounded the first corner. He kept a steady pace.

He turned the next two, and was in the crowd of running people. He dashed past everyone and burst out of the crowd. But Jack was right next to him. "So, how ya feelin'?" Kaylai hissed, "Fine, how about you?"

Jack was about to answer, but Kaylai dashed ahead. Some time later, he finished the tenth lap way before the others. He wiped sweat off of his forehead. "Done,Coach." He said as Coach stood dumbstruck.

"Uhh... class dismissed." He stammered. Kaylai turned to see Jack embrace his girlfriend, Marlene. Saven watched Kaylai as he walked over to them. Marlene saw Kaylai and said, "There is Superman! Our hero! Huzzah! Huzzah!" 

"Shut up, Marlene."Kaylai said as he embraced Saven. She kissed his cheek. Then, the intercom crackled to life. "Can Kaylai please report to the Operations Desk immediately? That would be Kaylai Syndo."

Jack, Marlene, and Saven all looked at Kaylai. Kaylai shrugged. "I'll be back. Wait here for me. We'll go out later tonight." Kaylai turned and began to walk out of the Training room. The stares were heavy, but he walked on.

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