Chapter 21: Taking out Raiga!

Start from the beginning

" Stop!" I exclaimed holding both of his fists.

" Don't you see, if I'm not injured they'll think I was behind it and that means they'll give me a funeral!" The old man said close to tears. I let go of his hands as gong went off and the guy started to freak out more.

" What's that gong?" I questioned.

" Is it some kind of alarm?" TenTen asked.

" No, it's summoning everyone to a funeral." The old man said.

" A funeral?" Neji questioned.

" That's right. If any of us displeases Raiga, the leader of the clan, then as punishment he arranges a funeral in which the person is buried alive."

" Buried alive?!" I questioned outraged.

" That's the worst thing I've ever heard!" TenTen exclaimed.

" That can't be yours, can it it old man?" Neji asked.

" No, I heard they caught Rokusuke. It must be his." The old man said.

" Not gonna happen." I growled out.


We watched behind piles of dirt as they carried the coffin.

" Lets save this guy!" Naruto whisper yelled. " What do you say Neji?"

" Alright." Neji said. He closed his eyes and then opened them. " Byukaugan! It's alright, he's still alive."

" Okay, lets draw the guards away and we'll get him out." I said.

" We hit them fast and we hit them hard." Naruto said.

" Alright, time to begin." Lee said and we all nodded. We put our plan into action and we threw smoke bombs. We charged in. TenTen took two of them out and Neji took two of them out. One lunged at me and I ducked dodging his claws and then punched his stomach and made him fly into the air. I was above him in a flash, and kicked down causing him to hit the ground hard leaving a small crater. Lee went to hit the last one, but stopped. We all ran to Lee.

" This is Karashi." Lee said with a small hint of sadness. 

" This guy's Karashi?" Naruto questioned and the guy crossed his arms and 'hmphed' at us and looked away. He looked like he was pouting! I listened as he said he joined the Kurosuki clan. I watched as Lee questioned Karashi, and all Karashi did was look away and mutter stuff. 

" Something powerful and feared." I heard him say. I grabbed the collar of his cloak and put my face an inch away from his. His eyes slightly widened.

" Feared? Some people may fear them, but you don't scare everyone. I will make sure that we don't leave until the whole Kurosuki clan is taken out." I growled at him. I let go of his collar and let him fall on his ass. Lee pulled me back. My eyes widened when Lee punched him. At first it seemed like Lee's words were getting to him, but I wasn't believing it. We heard Rokusuke bang on the coffin and we let him out. I sensed that we were being watched. I looked up and in the distance I could see a small outline. I had a bad feeling about it. There were two people. We all took off to the top of the cliff after Neji announced us being watched. A mist started to form and I growled. " One of the seven swordsmen." They tried seeing through the mist. I concentrated on my eyes to see if my gold eyes would come back, but it didn't work. Lightning shot down at us, and we jumped out of the way just in time. We hid in a bush. They took off at random people and I knew they were illusions. I concentrated on finding the real person. Lightning shot through the ground hitting everyone. I jumped away as it tried to hit me. I seen him jump down. I seen Lee start attacking in his sleep so I decided to watch in case it was as funny as last time. I laughed as he easily dodged all of the guys attacks. I seen the bag on the guy's back get kicked off. The guy turned on Lee and went to attack him as Lee started to wake up. Naruto and I kicked him away.

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