"Alright! __f/n__, you're back, un!" He lightly crushed you in a friendly hug, making you smile even bigger than before.

"Alright," you joked, "that's enough. I've been waiting weeks to show you what I've got in this box and I don't plan on waiting a moment longer."

You loved the confusion on his face as he followed you, knowing how quickly it would change. He remained a few paces behind you as you stormed out of the base, walking for nearly a half mile before stopping at the edges of a wide pond.

"__f/n__, did you drag me all the way out here to swim, un?"

You rolled your eyes, before gently tying your Akatsuki coat around your waist and pulling your __h/l__ __h/c__ backwards out of the way of your mouth. Deidara instantly realized that swimming was not your intention- you would only preform these precautions when setting fires. You watched as he slowly became restlessly interested in your actions, beginning to ask questions.

"Is the lake supposed to stop your fire if it gets out of control, un?"

You merely shook your head, carefully setting the box upon the ground. You cautiously opened it, revealing what seemed like a glass container filled with five different compartments. Some held solid shapes , others holding closed off glass containers filled with metallic liquids. You laughed in delight, clapping your hands together at the sight in front of you. You gently opened a flap of the box, grabbing one of the solid glass spheres filled with liquid. You carefully placed it at the water's edge, pushing it outwards and waiting until it had floated near the middle.

You stole a glance to your attentive partner, boredom in his eyes.
He was in for the surprise of a lifetime.

You quickly drew a Kunai from your side, taking careful aim before throwing your trusty weapon at the sphere

The reaction was violent and immediate, loud noises spilling from the center of the pond as an explosion rocketed its surface. The liquid was thrown off in all directions, thin tendrils of smoke trailing from the chemical reacting with not only the water, but the air around you as well.
It was glorious.

Deidara looked completely awestruck, a wide grin enveloping his features.

"__f/n__, that exploded! In water, un!"

You nodded your head giddily before once more grabbing something from the box.

"All of these react in water. Want to give them a test run?"

The rest of that afternoon was nothing less than a blast.


The book within your hands seemed to get further and further from your drooping eyes as time passed, the result of a long day of training with the blue skinned man beside you. You had initially stopped for a lunch break and possibly some relief from the brutally hot weather inside, but it seemed that neither you nor Kisame were leaving anytime soon. There was the small noise of pages shuffling as your book finally slipped from your hand. Your breathing slowed to a gentle hum in the quiet room, an indicator that sleep had at last overcome your attempts to stay awake. Kisame glanced at your soft form, watching in amusement as your body slowly shifted from upright to sideways.

His amusement was immediately stifled when your head softly landed on his shoulder.

Sure he was used to your close company, but you falling asleep on him was an entirely different scenario!
Yet there you lay, blissfully unaware of the turmoil within the head of your tall companion. You looked comfortable, and you had just gotten back from a long mission. Should he wake you up so that you could go into your own room? Should he leave you there to rest?
One glance at the heavy bags under your eyes, and it became clear that waking you up would not be an option.
You deserved sleep.

~ One and Only ~ Akatsuki Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now