She's Not My Girlfriend

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[Nikki's POV] 

Steven finished the call and walked toward us. "Courtney said she'll be here in a couple of hours, she's gonna bring Frances." He said to us. We nodded. 

"So, Riot's real name is Friday?" I asked him. 

They all looked at me, probably cause I hadn't spoken in a little bit, but they all had different emotions. I could tell by their faces.

Steven was sad, but also looked shocked. 

Ashley was confused, she probably didn't listen to the call. 

Jeremy looked as if he knew this already, and I was an idiot. 

Nick looked like he had been crying for three years, and just slightly offended I asked the question. 

August looked pissed off, but also very upset but she obviously was trying not to show it. 

Anthony had no expression of emotions, he always looked as if he felt nothing. 

Steven was about to speak, but he was interrupted by a doctor walking out of the room where Riot- Friday was. 

"I'm assuming you are all here waiting for Friday Cobain?" 

There's my answer. 

"Yes." We all said. 

"Well.." He began. 

"Hurry up."  I said, sick of waiting. 

"Nikki! Be nice!" Ashley scolded me. 

"But-" I started, but was interrupted. 

"Its okay miss, I know how frustrating it is to be waiting for this kind of thing. She's your girlfriend, I'm assuming?" The doctor said to me. 

"Uh- n-no she's not my girlfriend - can you just tell us how she's doing? Is she okay?" I replied. 

"He wishes she was his girlfriend.." Snickered Nick in the corner. 

"Shut up, Nick. Or else I'll tell Stev-" I was then interrupted, yet again. 

"Okay about Friday, she's stable. A lot of damage, the pill bottle must have been full. And the cuts were very deep, and there was a lot of blood loss. She is very lucky to even be stable, we're unsure if she'll survive, but if she can get through tonight, we'll be very lucky. She did some damage to her veins whilst making those cuts. Is there any of her family here? " The doctor explained. 

"Uh, well her mother and sister will be here hopefully by tomorrow. " Steven told him. 

"Can we see her?"  I asked him. 

"Sorry?" The doctor questioned. 

"Can we see her?" I repeated. 

"Uhm... I'm not sure sh-" 

I interrupted him, getting frustrated. "Listen here doc, we've been through hell and back to get here, and wait for hours on end not to see her? That's not fair. We should at least be able to see her."

Steven and Ash gave me the 'mom' look. 

Nick and August looked shook. 

Anthony looked like... he had no emotions. 


"I understand sir, I'll ask the head doctor." 

I nodded. "Thank you." I was still frustrated. I needed to see her. She needed support, she may not be awake, but she needs the support. If I was like that I wouldn't want to wake up to find no one with me. 

I need to be there when she wakes up. 

[Steven's POV] 

"What is wrong with you?!" I said to Nikki after the doctor walked off.  "What was the point of that?!" 

"What do you mean?" He replied. 

"You haven't done this before have you? That was stupid! Threatening the doctor?" 

"Listen here, Steven. I understand you've known Riot or Friday or whatever her name is, for longer, but I'm not waiting out here until she wakes up! I don't wanna be out here, sitting around, doing nothing to help her, only to find out she's dead for a reason that could've easily been solved if someone was in there supporting her, waiting for her to wake up and doing they could, okay?! " He shouted at me. The frustration was obvious. 

" You're such a naive little bastard Nikki, I love how you're trying to help. Thanks. " I hugged him. I understood exactly how he felt. 

For a moment, he didn't move. He was in shock. 

Then, he finally hugged me back. 

[Ashley's POV] 

The boys were fighting, I wasn't paying much attention to it because I was bothered by my own thoughts. August obviously could see I was frustrated and grabbed my hand. 

She held my hand, I smiled. I hadn't felt the love of this for a while. 

I was heart broken by a boy I loved, only because I was confused about my sexuality. 

I told this to August the night before. She told me because she was lesbian, she had been shunned by her entire family. Everyone, but her grandmother. She was kicked out of the house and then moved in with her grandmother. 

I was heart broken for her. 

She told me it was okay. 

Then she leaned it, and her soft, red lipstick covered, perfect sized, beautiful lips touched mine. 

I know it sounds cliche, but I could just hear the fireworks. 

I was taken out of my thoughts by Nick whispering in my ear. "Your face is gone red, Ash." 

I was so embarrassed. 

"Shit.." I whispered back. 

He giggled. 

[Nikki's POV] 

I had just stopped hugging Steven, when the doctor walked in. 

"You may go in and see her." 

I was so happy. 

"Doc, I could just kiss you right now." I said, not giving a shit. 


"Nevermind him, doc." Nick butted in. 

The doctor leaded us into a private room, with many machines and little light. 

The curtains were closed, and I could see the silhouette of the bed, and three machines on the. left side, and two on the right. 

The light was then turned on and my heart just broke. 

I could see this girl, laying motionless, bright purple hair, extremely pale. She had a couple of piercings, and a slim figure that you see through the blanket. 

But, what was really heartbreaking, there was wires sticking out of her, everywhere. 

It didn't look like Riot. 

I was about to cry. 


I sat down on a chair beside her. 

I touched her hand, gently. And held it in mine. 

She was extremely cold. 

The others just looked at her and sat down at other places around her. 

Written: 19th of February. 

Published :  17th of April. 

nikki misery : save myself from meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora