Chapter 8.) Unexpected

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No ones P.O.V

The gun shot echoed through the room the room, blood spraying and falling to the floor. Staining it red. To scream filled the air as tom fell to the ground. His legs crumbling underneath him. He he shot himself, how? Unknown. The side of his head bled violently as he layed on the floor, perhaps dead. But his breathing was shallow an low. If tord decided to help him, he could live. But what would happen after that? Would tom remember anything, or will he have problems with his brain. It's all so unknown. Matt and edd cried, there friend had sacrificed himself instead. They could never repay him for this. Tord grunted, clucking his tounge.
"Classic stupid tom, it won't be that easy. Now get up, I made sure you couldn't kill yourself. Your only stunned! Try again!" Tord snapped, and as said tom got to his feet. His body a bit unbalanced, but he managed. Edd and matt stared in awe, how could tom have survived a bullet to the head? It's impossible, and yet there tom stood. He was holding his head, and yet ok. Tom looked over at tord and pointed the gun at the commies face.
"You tried to fucking brainwash me tord!?!" He hissed, loading the gun. Tord looked at the pistol quietly, his face calm and eyes trained on toms movements. While the others watched in silence.
"I don't think so!" Tom said, pulling the trigger. Tord got hit, but only in the chest, not near the heart or anything. Nothing that would kill him instantly. Tom just wanted to make a point.
"Ugh, Thomas don't shoot me again!" The red leader than pulled out his own gun and shot it off, matt collapsing  in a pool of blood. Tom and edd wide eyed. Tord shot matt, no! That wasn't subpost to happen, and yet it did. Everything fell apart in those few minutes. Tom supposably can survive a gun shot to the head, tord will probably live, and matt. Poor innocent ginger matt, he's gone. Forever.


Short and yet dramatic, sorry you had to die matt. But hey this is a fan fic, so your really not dead. So it dosent Matt-er! X3 I know terrible pun that been made a hundred times. Anyhoo sorry this is so short, i just wanted to get it out here for everyone to read. I kinda smashed a few ideas I got from the comments together. Yes short, but I like how it came out! Please vote, leave a comment, and add this to your library. Bye!!

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