What?! A Saddened Flower

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"Stop bragging that you're organised! If you were organised then you should be smart and good at things but look. You're not! You haven't achieved anything at all." Sara's voice was raising and so was her anger

Sakura narrowed her eyes "Hey!"

Spring twitched a little, uncomfortable at their harsh conversation that she was sitting into.

"You're just gonna be forever known as Sara and Karai's little sister or the irrelevant Koki sibling so regardless of your efforts and mine there is a big difference!"

The blonde haired girl just watched Sara in shock, completely disbelieving that those words were coming out. Karai had stopped listening to music and glared at Sara.

"Shut up, Sara! It's no big deal so just be quiet already!" Karai hissed

"Hah. Don't tell me to shut up. You're thinking it too! I might as well say it while she's here listening so that way the truth can be told loud and clear."

Karai poked Sara's leg hard. "I said shut up."

"No! Sakura is really annoying! Thinking she's all this and that! Who does she think she is? She's not even the eldest sibling, she's the youngest! So what gives her the right to tell me I should be a little more organised? She's not my mother!"

The other twin continue to glare at Sara fiercely "Sara-" she was cut off by Sakura's voice.

"What! I'm just telling you what you should have done!"

"That's exactly why people don't like you Sakura! Nobody wants to hear what they should done because they already know! Stop poking at the obvious! If I had known that previously there wouldn't be a problem, but of course little miss goody two shoes has gotta point out her opinion and butt in where she's not needed! Life was better without you!"

Makiko turned to look at the girls "Okay, that's enough now. Sara stop yelling at Sakura."

"See!" Sara exclaimed "Even mom is siding with you! Nobody here understands that Sakura is the favorite child even though she has yet to accomplish one thing in life!"

Sakura sat quietly squeezing Spring tightly.

"Karai! Aren't you even in the least bit upset at all!?"

Karai just stared at her sister quietly before shaking her head "how did it end up like this from Sara forgetting her charger..." she whispered to herself

"Ugh!" Sara roughly nudged Sakura with her elbow before dramatically turning to look out the window.


"What? I'm sure you have some bandages in your pocket if it hurts. You're organised aren't you?" sarcasm echoed out of her voice

"Mom! Dad!" Sakura yelled out

"Oh just shut up, Sakura! Why are you calling mom and dad?! You have no right to call them that!"

Makiko and Seigo finally turned around and glared at Sara.

"Sara! Stop it this instant! One more word out of you and you can go phone-less for the day!" Makiko shouted at Sara who grouchily stomped her leg on the car floor.

"I didn't say anything wrong..." she mumbled

Sakura stared into space upset and confused. She was trying her best and only wanted to help her sister but Sara's feisty and easily angered nature got the best of her. The rest of the car ride remained silent. Nobody knew what to say after that. In the end, Sakura was left drowning in thoughts.

She turned into a Pretty Cure. She was finally given a chance to redeem herself, maybe she was actually good at something. Then her mother was turned into a monster. Why? She couldn't help but be curious as to why her mother had to be sent into a paradise. Now her sister was fighting with her. The words "you have no right to call them that" and "that's exactly why nobody likes you" continued to ring in her head. The words left her confused, upset and frustrated.

PuriKyun: Hi! Chance PreCureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang