Part 10

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The first two weeks Cinder refused to talk to anybody. Everyone simply sat by her side as she looked into the distance. She stopped eating and when she could she would sit in her room by herself. After the first week of that Adri called Dr. Erland, Cinder's and Winter's therapist, to come and get her to talk.
Then one day while Kai held Cinder on the bleachers, she spoke her first words to him, "I'm sorry." She whispered.
"For what?" Kai looked down at her.
"For making you deal with my sorry ass." Cinder looked up at him and gave a weak smile.
"I'll always be here for your sorry ass." Kai said as he placed a kiss on her head.
After that Cinder started to talk more and eat more and spend less time in her room; then after Peony's funeral and after Cinder finally came to the fact that her sister was gone, she finally let herself smile.

*One month later, week of prom trip*

"Ha ha we are going to prom at the freaking Artemisia Palace!" Iko cheered and she danced around Cinder's room.
   "This is making question how much our school is paying for prom." Cinder sighed as she placed a shirt in her bag. "Is the festival also at Artemisia?" Cinder looked up to Iko.
   "How about you just look at the flyer?" Iko said sing songly, before throwing the piece of paper at Cinder.
    The flyer said that the night of prom will be at the Artemisia Palace but the festival would be at the farmers market or as others liked to call it: the market square.
   "Ah yes. Of course... I'm going to buy so many hot buns we are going to be sick!" Cinder launched from her bed and grabbed Iko's hand, joining her in her little dance.
   Iko sang, or more of just yelled, " Hot buns Hot buns, we are gonna eat hot buns till we become hot messes!"
    The girls laughed at their antics til they fell on the floor unable to breath. As they were getting up to finish Cinder's packing, they both got a text message for Thorne, and another one from Kai on Cinder's phone.
    Hey, where are you guys? The bus leaves in ten!
   The girls looked at each before frantically throwing everything on Cinder's bed (everything she was going to take, just not folded) and threw it in her bag. Iko took both their bags and raced towards the door.
    "I'll meet you out there I just need to grab my prom dress!" Cinder yelled as she raced to her closet to grab the dress bag and the shoes in the corner of the closet.

    The girls made it to the bus just as they were doing last call. When they got on there were only two seats left. And unfortunately the seat next to Kai was taken by Levana. Just as Cinder was going to plead for the seat the teacher yelled at her and Iko to just take the seats so they could go. Cinder rolled her eyes and walked to the empty seats.
    When she sat down Kai turned around and mouthed, "I'm sorry." Cinder gave a weak smile and waved him off.
   I'm sorry too, she thought as she placed her head on the cool glass of the window.
     The whole bus ride Cinder and Kai texted about everything and nothing while Iko fell asleep on Cinder's shoulder, and Levana grumbled to herself.
     When they got off, Kai already had their bags waiting for Cinder and Iko. Cinder looked around, looking around for Levana and her 'squad.' Once she made sure she leaned against Kai, letting out a sigh.
    "And how are we this fine morning?" Kai laughed at her as she attempted to take her bag from him.
    "Tired." Cinder finally shrugged, giving up on her quest for her bag. She looped her arm around him and walked to the hotel.
    "Is it just me or were you scared they were going to put us in a hotel six." Wolf walked up behind them.
     "Hi Wolf, I haven't see you in forever!" Cinder turned around to give him a hug. "And yeah, I was a little scared."
    Wolf looked between them, then gave a sheepish smile. "I wasn't interrupting, was I?"
    "There was nothing to interrupt." Cinder said bumping his shoulder. "But, we should go get rooms soon."
    "Right, it was nice seeing you again." Wolf gave her a quick hug and ran off.
    "You call him Wolf?" Kai asked.
    "Yeah," Cinder shrugged. "I guess we never found it weird."
   "What is his name anyways?" Kai asked as they got in line for the reception desk.
   "Ze'ev." Cinder said looking up at him. "Oh and I should tell you that literally non of my friends are actually coming to prom."
    "What, Why?" Kai laughed, honestly not surprised.
     "Well, Thorne wants to take Cress on a romantic carriage ride and try to ask her out, finally." Cinder laughed. "Then Wolf and Scarlet were never ones for crowds; Winter is staying home for family stuff, and Jacin is staying home with her; and then of course Iko, she is going to go meet her... older boyfriend."
    "Huh, so it just going to be me and you." Kai thought out loud.
    "They are still going to the festival. Just not the actual dance." Cinder said as she looked around the line to see how far they were from the front.
    "Who are you going to room with?" Cinder asked. She found it a little ridiculous that boys and girls couldn't room together. But she also knew there would be a lot less teen pregnancies... if their peers even stayed out of each other's rooms.
    "Thorne." Kai sighed dramatically. "The horror."
    "How do you think he feels?" Cinder shot back. "He has to stay with mister prep!"
    Kai let out a bark of laughter. "Ok I get that  the student body president, but it doesn't mean that I go around screaming about people needing more school spirt."
    "Be truthful, if you could be a cheerleader you would." Cinder pokes his arm.
    "What's stopping me?" Kai narrowed his eyes.
     "You being a band nerd." Cinder faked a shudder. "A... a clarinet."
     "You are a band nerd too!" Kai said, poking her back. "And the worst kind! You are a Trumpet and Baritone."
     "And that's bad why?" Cinder crossed her arms.
    "Your a cocky little piece of sh..."
    "Ah Cinder!" Iko ran up to them. "I have our room."
    "Go ahead, I'll stand in line all by myself." Kai said handing Cinder her bag.
    "Life must be hard for a clarinet." Cinder sighed as she walked off, turning her head around just enough for her to wink... like a trumpeter at him.

First off, I have nothing against clarinets, feel like I should say that😂. Secondly, I am a trumpet and Baritone so I can say anything I want about that stuff. So yeah here's a chapter... I also haven't gone over and edited anything yet...

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