Part two

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Cinder's encounter with Kai made her almost throw up. It was amazing she was able to hide the blush... well there was none to hide in the first place.
And now here he was in the same class as her, two seats down, and he kept on looking at her. Did he have a problem with her? Were her green cargo pants that ugly?
She looked down at her gloves hands again. He seemed so gentle around me. Oh please, someone like Kai Crown going after a girl like me? In my own dreams. Her thoughts were racing, begging for answers.
She let her mind race until role was being called.
"Archy Andrews?"(🙄)
More names.....
"Betty Copper?" (😏)
"Kai Crown?"
More names....
"Kate Fallow?" (I had to)
More names.....
"Selene Lihn- Blackburn?"
Cinder sat there looking down at her hands waiting for her name to be called.
"Selene Lihn-Blackburn? Is she here?"
Oh shoot. That's my name!
"Here!" Cinder looked up frantically.
"Why didn't you say here the first time, ms. Lihn- Blackburn?"
"Um, I don't use Blackburn in my name anymore. I don't know why that is still there, so you can just say Lihn. And Also I go by Cinder, I am so sorry for the inconvenience." She chokes at her kindness. Who the hell speaks like this anyway? She slapped herself mentally.
"Ok, just pay more attention next time, Ms. Lihn. And I would go talk to your counselor about removing that name."
"Yes ma'am." Cinder nodded, knowing that if she could her whole face would be burning.

After that incident she payed close attention to her real-full name, making sure not to make a fool of herself again.
She hated having no classes with Thorne, but at least none of them were with Levana or her little friends.
After school she sped walk to Scarlet's van so that she could have first dibs on the seats. There was no way she would sit in the very back were her grandmother puts the pig.
She plugged her earbuds in waiting for everyone else to get there.
Green Day blasted into her ears as she watched the people she had classes with for years walk by. Her heart fluttered as Kai walked by.

Kai walked to his car tired from the first day of school and drama. He felt like throwing his head into a pillow and sleeping for hours, that is until he saw Cinder. That gave him another idea.
"Oh, Cinder!" Kai spoke as he took a turn left away from his car. He walked up to the silver van that seemed to be loved.
She looked straight at. Confidence and shyness mixing around. He didn't even know that those could mix.
"Hi." She smiled back, pulling her earbuds out.
"I wanted to talk to you. Can I give you a ride home?" He asked, realizing how weird it must sound to ask a stranger if they wanted a ride home.
"Um," She looked back at the van, the school, then him. "I think they can last a day without me."
He smiled at her, "Come on."

When Kai asked her if she wanted a ride home she was expecting a first crappy AF car. But no, he just had to have a sports car. A royal blue sports car.
"Sorry if it seems if I am flexing in everyone. My car is in the shop and my dad let me use one of his cars... nope, that also sounds bad." Kai rubbed a hand across his face.
"No, don't worry about. Money doesn't define a person. I guess?" Cinder looked over the car again.
"Plus I am totally flexing on everyone." Cinder laughed as she held up her black Adidas backpack from the outlets, and her iPhone 5.
Kai's sheepish smile faltered as she spoke.
"Sorry," She mumbled as she pulled down at her black gloves.
"What is there to be sorry about?" He asked.
"My awkwardness." She looked down in her lap.
"It's kinda cute." He smiled sheepishly again.
Cinder smiled back, warmth spreading through her. Their awkward moment was interrupted by a text from Cinder's phone.

'Scar is going to kill you' -Wolf
'What did I do this time?'
'You aren't at her car. She doesn't know where you are'
'Then why doesn't she just call me. And I texted Thorne.'
'Thorne isn't with us right now. Scar called him to ask where you were. And is Peony with you?'
'She is not with you!?! Is she with Thorne?'
'Ok I will face her wrath later. Peony is going to feel mine.'

Kai shot glances at Cinder as she texted. When she finally looked up her face showed anger and worry.
"Is everything alright?" Kai glanced over again.
"My sister isn't answering her phone. Can you just give me a second." Cinder pressed a few buttons before bringing her phone up to her ear.
A minute of silence... "Peony? Scar is really worried. Where are you?.... you what?.... a heads up would be nice next time. Did you text or call Adri?.... I would do that if I were you.... ok bye... love you too." Cinder brought her phone down with a sigh.
"She went home with some friends."
"Oh that's good." Kai said awkwardly.
"Ok what do you want?" Cinder turned in her seat.
"Wh... what?" Kai felt heat rise on his cheeks.
"The school president asking the schools least popular girl if she wants a ride home. What are your motives Mr. Prep?"
"I... I need to get Levana away from me. And what's not better than her step sister or whatever's cousin to help me?"
"Wait, this involves Levana? Are you trying to make her jealous?" Cinder rolled her eyes.
"Believe this is far from it."
"I will think about it." Cinder looked out her window. "Did I give you directions to my house?"
"No Levana said there was a house down here that she wanted to egg. I assumed it was yours... because you don't seem to have the best history."
"That is very true." Cinder laughed.
"What even happened between you two anyway?" Kai asked as he pulled into the drive way of her small one story house.
"Back stories are on step 3." She smiled as she stepped out of the car.
"What steps?" Kai smiled at her.
"The ones I just told you. Bye Mr. Prep." Cinder spoke as she ran to the front door of her home.

"Your least favorite is home!" Cinder yelled as she walked through the door. "Oh and not to brag but I just got to ride in a car that is more expensive than my prosthetics!"
"What do you mean by that?" Pearl sneered.
"Wouldn't you like to know? Is Peony back?" Cinder asked as she walked past Pearl into the basement room.
"Yeah she got back about five minutes ago. And Thorne is in your room." Pearl said as she took a left turn into the kitchen.
Cinder walked down stairs waiting for Thorne's smirk, and to get the question that Kai asked off of her chest.
"There's my favorite cripple!" Thorne smiled at her as he looked up from his game of uno with Peony.
"There's my favorite... actually I have nothing for that." Cinder laughed as she fell on her bed, next to the desk Thorne sat at.
"Then what do you have?" Thorne asked dramatically falling from the chair he was in onto her bed next to her. Peony following him not long after.
"Why do you always insist on sitting in my bed. We all know it is not big enough for all of us." Cinder hit Thorne's chest as he turned on his side to see her better.
"Because you need to be loved more in your life. Which includes very uncomfortable closeness to your friends." Thorne gave his signature smirk as he signed for her to take off her gloves.
He was always keen on her taking of her gloves, trying to get her to have little barriers between them.
"Mr. Prep. Asked me to be his partner in crime." Cinder finally blurted out as she pulled her gloves off.


Ok so I kinda based the relationship between Cinder and Thorne as what my friends and I act like. So yeah...
How do you like it so far? Sorry I'm not posting on my other story. I am still trying to get with the speed of school. Also my cat had kittens (again), and they have to stay in my room so the litter box is in here with me, and it smells like... cat litter. So I lighted a candle (it was a Christmas candle) and then my sister walked it, who loves candles and bath and body works, put out the candle and gave me one of her fall ones! I think something special happened today... my sister gave me one of her flipping candles. So that last part was random and the part about the second candle didn't happen until like three minutes ago so.... bye.

-Socially awkward butterfly

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