"No." I answered simply.

"Then how come everyone is saying that you did?" That's my best friend. Always so direct with no care for how harsh or petty it sounded.

"I don't know. Drama?" I said before walking away. I really didn't want to talk about this. I was already enough of a mess as it was, I didn't need more people snooping around my business.

She followed me as I continued making my way to my car, "but where did that even come from?"

I shrugged before giving a short reply, "I was told Xavier said it." Please, let this stop here. Let this be good enough.

I threw my backpack in the backseat of the Jeep as she spoke again, "Eli must be crushed. Having someone you love cheat on you has got to be one of the hardest things to move on from."

I pulled the door open and hopped into the driver's seat, fighting tears in the process. "Sometimes you're such a shitty best friend."

"Best friend?! I'm not best friends with a cheater!" She said, incredulously.

I slammed my door closed and started the car before rolling the window down, "I would move out of the way unless you want your feet run over."

No need to be so harsh. Take it easy.

I pulled out of the parking lot and sped home. While on my way, Max had texted me saying he was running a little late and would be there soon. The second I made it into the safety of my home, I started bawling my eyes out. I threw my things down and made my way to the bathroom. I was losing everything, especially my control on things. Not that I ever had a lot of it, but it seemed like I had control over nothing anymore. I couldn't stand it.

The tears moved so quickly I could barely see, my breathing was strained but I knew this wasn't a panic attack, at least not yet. My hands were shaking and I couldn't mentally handle all the different things that were going on in my life anymore. I reached for the blade and began dragging it across my wrists. I hated that this was what my life had come to. After everything I'd been through and finally having the thought that maybe it was worth it, life just shoved it back in my face like it was some sort of joke. A cruel joke.

That's what I get for making stupid decisions.

I didn't know how long my mental breakdown went on for, but Max was now sitting on the ground in front of me trying to calm me down. I hadn't heard him open the front door, make his way upstairs, or even open the bathroom door. Somehow he got the blade that I was clutching on to so tightly out of my hand and had moved it away from me. He grabbed my bloody arm, cleaned and wrapped it up as best he could, and pulled me into his lap. He rocked me back and forth, trying to comfort me. But my sobbing was completely out of control and I had no idea how to stop it.

"Alright Wren, alright. I'm here. Look at me, I'm right here." Max said, calmly. I tried my best to look at him through my crying, but everything was still blurry, "breathe with me Wren. In through your nose and out through your mouth." He did it a few times before I was calm enough to join him. "That's it! Keep going." We continued breathing like that for a long time until my tears started to slow which made me able to breathe better on my own. "Good job. Look at me Wren," he gave me a small smile when I did as he said, "I'm right here. I will always be right here, okay? You're stuck with me."

I nodded giving him a sad smile, then whispered an "okay."

"Tell me what happened," he started and before I even got the chance to respond he said, "and don't even think about telling me it was nothing. Because 'nothing' doesn't cause that."

"Chloe," was my only reply.

"What did she do?"

I started crying again, "she's gone now too." Max didn't say anything, just rubbed my back as I calmed myself down. "She was so cruel." We sat there for a while before I spoke again, "I threatened to run over her feet."

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