Nathan Mackinnon (Colorado Avalanche)

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"It's go time, let's get this show on the road." My wedding coordinator, Maggie, informs me in a very bubbly voice while sticking her head inside my dressing room door. With a bad case of butterflies in my stomach and eyes in pain from holding back tears, I lift myself off of the wooden chair in front of the vanity mirror with the help of my mother.

"You look stunning, (Y/N)." She compliments you with glossy eyes and a genuine smile while pulling you into a hug. With one last look at her little girl, she leaves the small room to find her seat in the sanctuary.

Maggie leads you into a hallway after taking one last look at you to make sure everything was perfect. Your bridesmaids prepare to enter the church and you shoot them a wink.

"You nervous?" Maggie asks with her eyebrows furrowed after noticing how uneasy you look.

"To marry the man that I love, not at all." You began while fiddling with the lace on your elegant white dress. "But the fact that I have to walk in these heels without tripping seems impossible."

You earn a light chuckle from her at the second part of your statement. "Ok, there's still one more thing before you go out there." Maggie says while pulling a clipboard off of a nearby table. "Something old?"

"My grandma's earrings." You respond pointing to the dainty diamond studs in your ears.

"Something new?"

"Does my dress count?" I ask with a smile creeping onto my face while admiring the full-length white lace dress with a sweetheart neckline that I fell in love with.

"Something borrowed?"

"My mom's veil." You respond while adjusting the woven material on top of your head held into place by the small diamond crown tucked into your updo.

"And finally, something blue?"

"Garter." You quickly respond and she seems satisfied with your answers. You had a blue Colorado Avalanche logo sewn onto the garter that was attached to your leg.

"You're all set, girly." Maggie smiles and rubs your shoulder while you two watch your bridesmaids enter through the huge oak doors and disappear into the sanctuary.

"Hey, beautiful." Your father greets from behind while trying to hold back tears.

"Hi, daddy." You pull him into a quick hug and prepare for what you had rehearsed a few days earlier. Hopefully everything would go to plan.

"I love you, sweetie, my little girl's not so little anymore." He admired how gorgeous you look and even though he knows Nathan will take care of you, he couldn't help but worry.

You don't know how to respond so you just smile and lightly chuckle. "Love you too, daddy."

"Ok, it's time." Maggie informs the two of us while opening one of the huge oak doors and one of her employees opening the other for you to walk through.

With your arm looped in your fathers, you begin to take steady steps down the red-carpeted aisle to the sound of violins. Everyone in the pews on either side of you had a range of reactions to seeing you. Some gasped and some cried, but nonetheless, everyone had a smile plastered onto their faces.

With one last kiss from your father, he moved your hand from his own and placed it into Nathan's who helped you climb the steps to the stage.

Falling in love with the hockey player all over again, you look deep into his glassy eyes and immediately felt comforted despite the hundreds of people who watched.

"Today we are gathered to celebrate the love shared between these two amazing people." The official began. "A match made in heaven. They have decided to recite their own vows, so Nathan, would you please go first."

The tall male standing in front of you grabs your hands and clears his throat. "(Y/N), from the very first day I met you knew I wouldn't want to live another day without you. You are my reason to smile, laugh, and responsible for every bit of joy in my life. (Y/N), on good days and bad days, rain or shine, I promise to love you forever."

You had promised each other to keep your vows short, and he completely nailed his. You and most of the audience were sobbing. You love this man with every fiber of your being.

Wiping away the tears and trying to recollect yourself, you look deep into his eyes. "Nathan Raymond MacKinnon, you are the love of my life and make me happier than I could have ever imagined and more loved than I ever thought was possible. I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage you. I choose you as the person whom I spend the rest of my life with."

It was now his turn to start sobbing, and he didn't hold back the tears that now stained his cheeks. Your maid of honor handed you a ring and Nathan's best man did the same.

"Nathan, you will begin, repeat after me, with this ring, I thee wed." The official instructed.

"With this ring, I thee wed." Nathan repeated with his voice cracking while sliding the diamond ring onto your left hand.

"(Y/N), repeat after me, with this ring, I thee wed."

"With this ring, I thee wed." You take the golden band and do the same as Nathan, sliding it onto his left ring finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The official said, satisfied by the ring exchange.

Nathan pulled you into a kiss that sent fireworks off inside you. Claps and cheers erupted from the family members and friends as the two of you nearly ran back down the aisle on cloud nine. 

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