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We were walking to my house. It was almost 6:00pm now and we had so much homework to be done. "I don't get it. For what could you even use an anti logarithm? What it's even the purpose of that", Nick kept arguing about Calculus. He wasn't very good at Math but somehow really great at Biology. "Nicholas", I said his full name mocking him, "not every subject is about opening up a frog or whatever animal they give us" I chuckled. "Well, I don't see they use of it. You don't even like this class, either, what are you arguing me about?" He shrugged. "Yeah, I kind of don't see the use of it either. I really do hate math" I shrugged back. We kept walking and my mind drifted off to Crystal. She was so mad at me at school. I tried to call her but she wouldn't pick up. I sighed trying to figure out in my head what could I do to make her understand. "You are thinking about Crystal aren't you?" Nick stopped my train of thoughts.

I sighed, "I've never seen her so mad at me. I'm worried. She's vulnerable and with all that rage..." Nick stopped me taking my hand, "Hey, you did what you had to do." "I don't know, Nick, maybe I should had told her", I mumbled. "Come on, you now that Agnes could use anything you say to Crystal against you. She will understand with time" he circled his thumb on my hand trying to reassure me. That single action made my hand tingle. I retreated my hand quickly and cleared my throat. We were exactly in front of my house now, "Come on, let's get this horrible calculus assignment done so we can look for some defensive spells in case of anything". I entered my house sliding the key in. "Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I called. "Okay sweetie we'll be down in a minute", mom called back. We heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen, "Woah, what was that?" Nick asked. "I don't know", I shivered.

"Stay here" he said walking to the kitchen. "Ugh, as if" I said walking in front of him. We rounded the kitchen wall slowly stepping in. I was pulled down with a manly scream, "Beatriz!" I landed on Tristan's chest on my kitchen floor. "Fuck you, dude, that isn't funny" Nick shouted. "I wasn't trying to be funny", Tristan said out of breath. "Oh my God, Tristan, what are you doing here? My heart is literally in my mouth" I said standing up and helping him up. "Not as much as mine", he said looking at his surroundings. "Woah, I've never been to your house before" he watched the dishes doing themselves with a simple spell my mom had put on them. "That's because you are not supposed to come in here, Tristan" I pointed out. "And he can?", he pointed at Nick. "He's different, Tristan that's not the point" I argued. "Yeah yeah, you guys are all witches here and what not" he dismissed me. "Warlock" Nick corrected him rolling his eyes. "Guys! Please! Jesus Christ! Tristan answer me" I shouted. "It was some kind of witch, she sent me here. She was attacking Crystal, and her family" he finally answered, "Listen, Bea, I know you guys are not in good terms but you have to help her, now" he said hurriedly. I shivered and looked at Nick, "Agnes it's on Crystal's home." He nodded angry. "We'll need to hurry. She won't waist anytime in trying to get Crystal side with her. She will use everything at hand", Nick assured me.

I nodded, "Let me get the spell book in my room". Nick leaned on the counter catching his breath. "Woah dude, are you okay?" Tristan asked. "I'm fine" Nick said through gritted teeth. "Nicholas?" I asked. "Go, look for that book. I'm okay I promise" he said. I was half way through the living room, when two people crashed into my stairs. "Grandpa Malcolm? Jasmine?" Crystal's mom and grandfather had appeared on my stairs. "Beatriz, darling, I'm so glad you are okay" Jasmine hugged me. Tristan came running, "Where is Crystal?" "Don't worry boy", Grandpa Malcolm answered, "Agnes is gone now. Crystal chose to stay at home." Tristan hurried to the door, "I'm going over there, oh and by the way Bea, your house is wicked" he chuckled and ran out. Yeah, choose Tristan to make a pun right now. "I guess I can ask now why are you guys here? Crystal is mad at me isn't she?" I said. "Bea, dear, can your parents join us? This is a very delicate manner", Jasmine asked me. "Sure" I replied frowning. "I thought I heard more people in here" my mom came down smiling with my dad, just when I was going to tell them. "Mr. Waterhouse, what an honor to have you here", my dad shook Grandpa Malcolm's hand. "Oh don't lie, Richard, you really don't want me here" Malcolm chuckled, "but you'll have to hear me out just this time." My father never did wanted me to be friends with Crystal and recently I found out that he was just protecting me, so I knew were all of this was coming from. Mom, on the other hand, had gotten along very well with Jasmine. "I'm sorry to be a bother, Lily" Jasmine hugged my mother. "It's no bother at all. What can we do for you?", my mother asked.

𝒜 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈 𝒲𝒶𝓎: 𝑅𝐸𝐵𝒪𝑅𝒩Where stories live. Discover now