What a Player (Hyunjin)

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I finish brushing my hair and tie it up quickly, considering I'm late for school. I race down the stairs, and catch myself from clumsily tripping.

"Mom! I'm late. I'm so sorry, I gotta go-" I barely get to finish my sentence, as I leave the house with only one shoe on, and a piece of toast hanging from my mouth. I heard her yell something, but as you know, I could barely manage to hear and had no time to listen.

I don't walk, I basically run to school, and when I finally reach school grounds, I'm winded. I walk into the building, towards my locker hoping to run into my best friend. At the lockers, I see Lisa and she practically chokes me with a hug.

"Wow you look terrible" She giggles.

"Gee thanks blondie, and what's up with your hair?" I question while raising a brow.

"Oh hehe, I wanted to try something new." she motions to her braided crown with her hand and blushes.

"Oh well, it looks nice though." The bell rings just as I finish my sentence.

Walking to my first class with Lisa, I manage to catch some gossiping girls talking about god knows what. Today happened to be "the hot new boy." Whenever a new student comes to our school, whether they be transfers, or temporary or whatever, there will definitely be drama for those poor souls, because in this school, it's inevitable.

"Omo! Did you see how tall he was? He's so handsome" I hear a squeal

"Yea I heard he's a professional swimmer too! Won lots of medals"

"Wonder what kind of girls he likes"

From what I was hearing, this new kid was going to be popular and most likely a play boy. I know this because that's how most of them turn out. I roll my eyes, and discard any more thoughts about this new kid. Probably an asshole, like the rest of em

We get in our seats for Literature class, unfortunately Lisa sits across the room, so I'm pretty much quiet in this class. It's not that I don't have friends, I am very picky with my company and I choose not to get involved in the whole relevant squad. Just as I'm about to pull out my notes, the door opens to reveal the "new kid"everyone was so hyped about. Don't worry hon, you'll become old news soon. He was indeed tall, and he had a creamy white face, with a small mole under his eye. He most definitely was handsome, but eh. Somehow, his face looked familiar, but I'm not one to dig deeper into these things.

"Annyeong, My name is Hwang Hyunjin, and I will be joining you guys for the year, please take care of me" A bunch of girls squealed, and suddenly it hit me. Hwang Hyunjin? omg. Don't tell me. As I recall who he was, I groan externally and a few girls shot glares at me. He also looks at me, and as he too, recognizes who I am, and smiles widely.

The teacher gives him a sit near the front, since he wants him to learn quickly, and throughout the whole class, I can feel him looking back once in a while.

Time Skip

Finally, it's our lunch break, and I head to our friend table with Lisa hanging off my side.

"Wow! i didn't know you knew him!" She's smiling and I'm grumbling with annoyance.

"I don't really know him anymore, because we only used to play when we were younger. He left to live in Las Vegas, and I had no idea when he would come back. How perfect." I roll my eyes.

"He's cute though." she says dreamily. "I dropped my pencil and he picked it up for me!"

"Well trust me, that's all an act. Even when we were younger, he'd be some playboy looking, conceited as-"

"Who's this 'Playboy looking, conceited ass' you speak of?" chimes a familiar voice

Speak of the devil. I turn back and he's standing behind me, towering over my sitting form. Lisa gasps and starts blushing again. I look back to see he's already made some friends. And a fan club, as I notice the group of girls behind him.

"Well if you'll excuse us, we need a table to sit at, and your happens to be the one that's vacant." He smiles and his eyes disappear and he still has the cutest little giggle. He sits himself in between Lisa and I, and the rest of his friends sit in front of us. Excluding the fan girls of course. While he's at it, he slings his arm around me, and casually begins to talk.

"Tell me (Y/N), how have you been?" He leans in closer to my ear "You missed me I presume?"

"In your dreams pretty boy" I throw his arm off and get up. "I have somewhere to be, and it's not around you, considering how someone like me, shouldn't be in the company of your exalted self" I exit the cafeteria, and decide to go sit on the roof until lunch was over. Oh how much you hurt me


I'll be making a part two for this, please read until the end, I'm still trying ;v

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