Cherry on Top (Felix)

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Sequel to Prerequisites

"If you love me you'll let me go" Felix tearfully cries out, dramatic tears forming at the crinkles in his eyes.

"Oh ya like that's gonna happen" Rachel chuckles darkly. She managed to get her (taller) little brother in a chokehold while twisting his arm behind his back and applying pressure whenever he breathed too loud or said something unsatisfactory.

This was taking place in the kitchen, where the unfortunate tale of Felix eating Rachel's saved brownies lead to the very moment that she unleashed her angry eldest child energy.

"I swear to god," her accent thick and her voice rising every syllable, "eat my shit again and I'll knock you flat deadass" her iron grip on his arm was beginning to form a bruise, and he honestly felt like the blood flow seemed to stop entirely. There was no more pain, only numbness 😔✊🏻

"I'm sorry, can you please let go!" He shouts, the pain getting to him. She gave him a discerning look, and furrowed her eyebrows, eventually loosening the tight hold she had on him.

He breaks away and staggers forward, clutching at his wrist imprinted with his sisters claws. He hissed at her her, but realized not to go any further as she might just torture him again.

A presence in the room caused them to look away from each other and at the newcomer, which was their youngest sister Olivia holding an apple in her hand wordlessly, eyes flickering between her older (idiotic) siblings

"Every morning? Really" she says in an acerbic tone, while rolling her eyes and brushing her hair back. The two eldest stare in silence as she pulls out her phone and immediately forgets about them.


With his friend standing so close to him, he felt like butterflies were erupting in his stomach and fluttering into his chest. Her laugh, her hair, her words. She was simply beautiful. One could argue that she was too plain, but beauty can be found even in the most simple of things.

And that's exactly how Seungmin felt about Diya, and he would go weak in the knees every-time she wore that expression of feigned annoyance with the most adorable smirk on her lips.

She was giving her opinion on something (yet again) as they walked aimlessly around before the bell even rung. He stood several inches taller than her, and he liked how small and petite she looked next to him, but when she was passionate or angry, she seemed to grow double in size as Seungmin would shrink away and rather not deal with her tiny abominable fists.

"I felt like the other lead was really cute you know" she says, glancing up at him for his opinion.

"I think I like her better with the main lead, they had way more chemistry"

Diya pondered for a minute, and ultimately realized that it was true, the second was in fact just a pretty face with a lot of money.

The two were not much focused on the students around them, however when a blonde head and red backpack seemed to enter her field of vision, her smile lit up differently and she subconsciously approached him. Seungmin realized her sudden steps towards his friend Felix and was thought struck for a moment before joining them.

"Hi Felix" she offered him a cute smile while her hands were linked together behind her back, like some anime girl, and Seungmin took note.

"Oh hey Diya" he faced her fully, and sent her his own heartwarming look. "Seungmo" Felix raised his fist for a fist bump while the other bumped it lightly.

"You two know each other?" Seungmin said rather surprised, his eyes wide.

"Yea we became partners for a project in history" the girl responded, placing a hand on Seungmins forearm as a friendly gesture that was normal between the two.

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