Part XV

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Seeing Tom, half naked made you out of focus. Did he just say that he needs you?

"[Y/N], I need you." Tom said again.

"Wh-what? You asked.

"I don't feel well." He answered with his morning voice.

"Huh?" You said then you noticed that he was pail and shivering. Your hands moves on its own, placing a hand on his forehead "my gosh! Tom, you're burning. You should not be walking." You said. Tom walked in and sat in your bed "Did you drink any medicine?" You asked covering him with you duvet.

"No." Tom answered.

"Where is Harrison?"

"I don't know."

"Wait here, I'll go and..." you were about to leave when Tom holds you in the wrist.

"Don't go." He said and you know that you have no choice.

"But Tom I have to go." You said remembering your date with Bill.

"Please, don't go." He pleaded making you think. Tom's brown orbs were looking at you with pleading eyes. You wanted to argue but you couldn't bear seeing Tom sick.

"I'll just get you a shirt." You said.

"Hurry up, please." He said letting your hand go.

Getting the shirt you went to Harrison's room and found the latter in the restroom.

"Harrison?" You just heard a noise from the restroom "Harrison! Are you okay?"

"No, I think I'm sick." He said coming out from the restroom, holding his tummy.

"Not you too." You said.

"What do you mean you too?" Harrison asked leaning against the wall.

"Tom is burning up." You answered in a concerned tone.

"I think, I should make some phones calls. Can you look after him for a while?" He asked.

"But Haz, I have to go." You said.

"[Y/N], I know that you have a da..." Harrison stop as his tummy grumbled "hold that thought." He said running back to the restroom.

"Harrison!" You complain but he shut the door in your face.

"Just look after Tom. Stupid dumplings!" He respond.

Stepping back, you know you can't leave now. Harrison got upset tummy and Tom was sick. Going back to your room, Tom was still in your bed laying down and pulling your duvet closer to him.

"Tom, I need you to sit up." You said sitting next to him.

"Okay." He simply answered and you helped him to put his shirt on "Thanks." He weakly mumbled.

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" You asked tucking him in again.

"Just stay here, please." Was his answer.

"Tom, I..." you started chewing your lips, you were still undecided if you'll go on your date or not.

"Look, I know you have a date..." Tom held your hand making you look at him "I'm not stopping you."

You were trapped in his gaze. You can't describe your feelings. You know that even with upset tummy, Harrison can take care of Tom but you feel guilty if you leave. Caressing Tom's cheek, your body moves on its own again. Tom held your hand and rested his cheek against it. Then your phone rang, pulling you away from the moment you were having with Tom.

"Hello." You answered and it was Bill. Looking back at Tom, you stand up and leave.

Tom pulled your duvet over him, letting your scent drown him. He was sad, angry and hurt.

"The great Bill ruined another moment." He mumbled pulling the cover "Can't she see that Bill is up to no good? He is the type of guy that will just hurt her. Why she can't see me more than just as her boss or her friend? Am I not good enough?" He thought. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder "Harrison leave me alone." He said removing his cover. Tom's eyes widen not seeing Harrison but you "I. I thought you have a date?"

"Well I can't leave you and Haz in your condition. So we decided to reschedule the date." You said giving him a reassuring smile "but it looks like you don't want me here."

"No." Tom immediately respond "No, please stay."

"Then I'll stay."

|End of Part XV|

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