Part XI

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"Ahm, yes of course. Guys, this is Bill. Bill meet my friends." You said.

"Hi mate, Harrison Osterfield."

"Harry Holland."


Bill shook hands with them saying that it was nice meeting them and when it comes to Tom.

"Tom Holland, nice to meet you." Tom firmly said.

"Bill Skarsgård, nice meeting you too." Bill respond "Wait, is there any chance that you are Tom Holland, the new spider-man?"

"Yes, that would be me." Tom proudly said trying to show off.

"Well, I have to say you did a great job but do you guys mind.." Bill looked at everyone with a smile "If [Y/N] and I, go ahead."

"No, they don't mind. Come on." You said pulling Bill with you "I'll see you around boys."

"Looks like your rival is a fan." Harry commented.

"No, he seems like he actually doesn't care who I am." Tom rebutted "I feel like he is mocking me."

They tried to keep their distance. Tom doesn't like Bill and the others can tell. You on the other hand was enjoying Bill's company.

"That's cute." You said looking at the teddy bear.

"If you want that, for a few dollars you'll have a opportunity to own it, all you have to do is knock down those cans." Said the man on the booth.

"I want to try." You said giving him a the amount.

"Great, you have three balls to knock those cans. It's a all or nothing, ma'am." He added. You tried but failed.

"How about I try it." Bill said giving the man his money. He tried and failed "No. no, I'll try again." Giving the man his money.

"Are you sure, kid?" The man said.

"Yes, sir." Bill answered smiling and giving you a wink.

"Alright, you know the rule, boy."

Bill tried, he was able to knock most of the can but there were two can standing and he have one ball left and in the end he failed. From the distance, Tom saw this and laughed.

"One more." Bill said reaching in his pocket.

"Bill, that's enough." You said holding him in the arm.

"You want that bear and I'll get it for you." He said still smiling at you. You couldn't help but chuckle "come on, [Y/N], please cheer for me."

"I am." You said giggling.

"Alright, how about this." He started facing your direction and playing the ball in his hand "how about we make a deal?" licking his lips.

"Okay, What's the deal?" You said crossing your arms on your chest.

"If I knocked those cans and get you that teddy bear, you have to kiss me." He said.

Arching a brow, you find him kinda cute "Are you telling me that my lips is the same price of that teddy bear and this game?" You teased.

"No, because my effort is priceless." He respond winking at you, making you roll your eyes.

"And if you failed again?"

"I..." he paused "We can talk about the punishment later. So, is it a deal?" He said extending his hands towards you.

"Deal." You answered shaking his hands.

Then his next move surprised you "Ladies and gentlemen!" He screamed getting almost everyone attention "I will knock those cans, get that teddy bear and win a kiss from this lovely lady here. Oh by the way, she's my date. So please no flirting with her while I'm playing this game." He said earning a cheer from the crowd. You on the other hand can't help but t laughed and feel flattered. Tom and the others couldn't believe what they heard.

"That prick!" Tom said almost running to get you but Harrison and Harry stopped.

"Hey, calm down spidy, you don't want to cause a scene." Harrison said.

"Didn't you hear what he said!" Tom fought back.

"We heard it. But if you run there [Y/N], might noticed and there's a chance she'll get mad." Harrison reasoned out.

"Let's just hope that he failed again." Jacob added.

"Oh, I hope so buddy or else."

Tom threatened then a loud cheers was heard and they say the man on the booth giving the teddy bear to Bill who gave you the teddy bear.

"There you go my lady." Bill said smiling victoriously.

"Thank you." You simply respond.

"Don't I get a kiss? Just like we talked about?" He asked leaning down and leveling his eyes on yours.

"Well deal is a deal." You said leaning close to him..

|End of Part XI|

A/n: Yes, it's the clown from IT, Bill Skarsgård is your date. Isn't he wickedly beautiful?

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