18. A snatcher's help

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"This place really is amazing, isn't it?" Iris admired. 

"Yeah, I know Spirit is sad at the moment, but I really do think that she'll be happy here," Branch replied.

"I just wish we didn't have to say goodbye to her," Poppy added. "Maybe we can visit her." Branch frowned. He stared down at his bandaged tail then started to unravel the bandage. The teeth marks weren't bleeding anymore but were still red in color, sadness spread across his face as he thought about how much he was going to miss Spirit, but the marks on his tail were proof that she's a wild animal and has to be free.

"No, this place should be kept a secret, it's a safe place for sea lykars that no hunter can find-" Branch was cut off when he saw Spirit sprinting towards them. "Spirit, are you okay girl?" Spirit reached them and was panting.

"We-we have...to get...away," Spirit tried to say, but was so out of breath that she was barely understandable. 

"Is she okay?" Ali asked. Branch placed his hands on Spirit's jaw.

"What's going on girl?" He asked, Spirit whipped her head around and pointed to the boat coming over the horizon.

"A boat? What's it doing here?" Corkscrew asked. Luna stepped forward, almost shielding the others.

"That's a hunting boat," Luna gasped, "lykars!" All lykars around turned their heads immediately to their leader. "Get to the bowl, quick!" She commanded. All the lykars that weren't in the bowl already were rushing trying to get to there, some with calves by their sides. Spirit, Ali and Corkscrew helped the other lykars to the bowl, while the trolls tried to take a closer look at the boat. 

"Snatchers!" Branch gasped.

"How did they find us?" Tekai asked.

"We have to get the lykars to safety," Branch ordered. Suddenly a huge net was flung from the boat, headed right for the lykars. Luckily enough, it had missed. But more nets were thrown from the boat, this time tangling some lykars and pinning them to the ground. The trolls tried their best to free them from the nets, but noticed that the boat had collided with the island and the snatchers dismounted, carrying tranquilizer guns and nets. Their boat was bigger than anything the trolls have ever seen, it was loaded with cages for lykars. The lykars panicked and tried desperately to get to safety.

"Find the blue one, she's the one we're after!" One snatcher commanded, the other snatchers charged for the lykars, trying to capture as many as they could. All the lykars sprinted to the bowl, caves, anywhere they could find to hide. Ali turned her head and noticed a young lykar calf struggling to keep up with the others and the snatchers were coming right towards it. Ali turned sharply and ran back to get the young calf, she slid on her belly and head- butted the calf away from the snatchers, leading to herself getting tranquilized.

"Ali!" Spirit cried. Ali stumbled, trying to pull herself upright but soon collapsing on the ground. She looked up at the snatchers who were standing over her and growled at them, but she grew tired quickly and her eyes fell shut. Spirit stopped as she saw more lykars getting tangled in nets and tranquilized.

"Boss!" One of the snatchers called out, "there she is! That's the blue one!" He pointed at Spirit who still wasn't moving. 

"Spirit get away from there!" Corkscrew cried. Spirit had enough, she couldn't have anyone hurting her family. She started snarling and barking at the snatchers, Corkscrew came by Spirit's side and joined her. "Spirit, you have to get out of here! It's you they're after!" 

"Come on trolls! Let's hold them off!" Tekai yelled. Some of the trolls used their hair to defend against the snatchers while the others tried to get the other lykars away to safety. Spirit and Corkscrew ran toward the snatchers and pounced on top of them, pinning them down. They didn't notice that another snatcher had a tranquilizer gun aiming straight for Corkscrew! Spirit reacted quickly and pushed him out of the way, instead the tranquilizer dart hit Spirit, she yelped as it struck into the base of her tail. 

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