1.a spirit is born

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"I was born in a time when all was right with the world, a time when you believed in everything you did and you could do just about anything, well I guess to a lykar it was different with my pod we traveled for miles and miles into the sunset, to us mother nature had no boundaries and neither did we but we did know one thing no matter where we traveled, no matter what lands we discovered, we would always return back home."

15 years earlier

"Branch! Branch!" Iris out called trying to find her little brother, how hard could it be? he was the only grey troll in the entire village, she looked everywhere for him down by the river, around the lagoon, in the trees, there was no sight of him "where are you buddy?" she muttered to herself.

She climbed up one of the trees hoping to get a better view, she wrapped her two-toned hair onto one of the branches, she studied her surroundings until something caught her eye, a little tuft of black hair Iris smiled then she swung to tree closets to the tuft and landed on one of the lower branches and saw that the tuft of black hair belonged to her brother, she kept quiet not wanting to be noticed by Branch she knew that he had really sensitive ears that could easily pick up any sudden sound that she made but lucky for her the little troll was too focused on collecting sticks.

"Why does he need so many sticks?" Iris thought, there were many things that she didn't know about her brother. Now with a bundle of sticks under his arm the little grey troll walked away and stumbled trying to manage the weight of all the sticks.

"Maybe I should make a few trips," Branch said to himself as he bent down to put his sticks on the ground giving his arm a rest, this was the perfect opportunity for Iris to sneak up on him. She wrapped her tail around the branch she was on literally a few hairs away from Branch who was still picking up the many sticks that he had collected. When he was upright again he turned around toward Iris's direction.

"BRANCH!!!" Iris shouted causing him to scream and fall on to his butt dropping all of his sticks onto the ground then he looked back at Iris, he did not look happy.

"Iris!" the little troll scolded "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" but Iris was just laughing hysterically, Branch recovered from the fright and got up, "So what do you want?" he asked.

"What are you doing?" She asked back.

"Collecting sticks, what does it look like I'm doing?" Iris unwrapped her tail from the tree and met Branch's eye level as she ruffled his hair, "anyway what do you want?" Branch repeated as he tidied up his hair that Iris had messed up.

"It's Kayla," Iris started but Branch interrupted her with a groan, ever since Kayla was pregnant it's all Iris has been talking about "her temperature has dropped and I think the calf will be coming soon." Branch just stared at her.

"You've been saying that for the past 3 weeks!" Branch was starting to get annoyed at his older sister for always bringing the subject of Kayla up but before Branch could say anything else Iris grabbed him by the arm and ran to the lagoon, dragging Branch along with her.

The lagoon was huge and it had small waterfalls, an opening to the open ocean at the far end and huge glass panels at the front of the lagoon so the trolls can look at the lykars underwater. There were lykars of many different sizes, colors and types, a sea lykar was like a cross between a wolf and a dolphin, most of their body was like a wolf's but they had a long, powerful tail with big blue tail flukes, a dorsal fin and two small pectoral fins just above their shoulders but they were completely covered with fur. Most commonly lykars are just big wolves with much bigger ears and slightly longer tails but either way, both types of lykars were huge compared to a troll, an average troll is only the size of a full-grown lykar's head.

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