3.Meeting Tekai

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"Branch, I know I wanted you to come tell stories to the trollings but maybe you could try NOT giving them nightmares for the rest of the week." Poppy said to Branch but he didn't understand the problem.

"Oh come on," He said confused "I only told them a couple of bergen stories." Poppy looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Branch, you told them how a troll was digested!" She scolded at him.

"I learned it when I was younger." Branch stated.

"The oldest trolling was 4 years old!" Poppy yelled as he gently smacked him on the top of his head.

"Oh well it wasn't THAT bad," Branch tried to reassure her. "They'll be fine in a few days."

"More like weeks." Poppy muttered under her breath trying to avoid Branch's big, sensitive ears from hearing her. "Anyway, I need you to come with me to pick up Fluffy from the rivered trolls' village." Fluffy was Poppy's pet terra-fluff, like any of her kind she was covered in fur but she had teeth like razor-sharp knives and she didn't like Branch at all.

"What? No! why do I have to come?" Branch complained.

"Because you're my best friend," Poppy said sweetly, Branch went completely silent. "I thought you would like to come to the rivered trolls' village," But he wasn't convinced. He never knew much about the rivered trolls apart from that he didn't really care. He began to walk away.

"Oh really and what makes you think that I'll..." Branch's words were cut off when he felt something pin his tail to the ground stopping him from walking away. Poppy was stepping on Branch's tail and smiling at him.

"Because I'm the queen and you have to do as I say," Poppy said smugly. "Now let's go." Branch groaned and rolled his eyes.


The rivered trolls were very different compared to the so called 'music trolls', they hardly ever danced, hugged but very rarely they would sing, they weren't very colorful mainly just reds, browns and oranges but sometimes they can be greens, yellows and blues. They can extend their hair but they weren't able to change the color of it making it harder for them to blend in to their surroundings and unlike music trolls who are just fuzz rivered trolls had a thin layer of fur which would usually cause music trolls to stroke and hug them as if they were pets.

When Poppy and Branch got to the rivered trolls' village Branch was amazed by how practical everyone seemed, nearly every one of them carried a weapon from a spear to a bow and arrow.

'Why couldn't I have grown up here?" he thought to himself. His father was a rivered troll hence his ears. Rivered trolls' ears were very similar to Branch's, they were a lot more pointy and a little bit thinner and because Branch's mom was a music troll and his dad was a rivered troll his ears were very unique.

"Do you rule these guys too?" Branch asked Poppy.

"Well they have a leader, more like a chief but then again I'm the queen of the trolls so I can take charge of them," she said modestly. 
"There's also someone that I want you to meet," Poppy stated to Branch, "I think you'll like her, she's very tough and she just reminds me of you so much." Branch just shrugged and nodded with a little smile.

As they walked through the village Branch noticed something. There were lykars. Most of them had ropes tied around their necks with a rivered troll pulling them on the other end. No sea lykars though. Not like Spirit....

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