12. The journey

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Branch walked out of his bunker, towards the lagoon, carrying a backpack full of essentials that he and Poppy would need on their way to Starlit Orchard. He thought to himself, was this really a good idea? The snatchers could be coming to the lagoon any day now. His test with Clay was in a week and he had to be ready. Branch thought again, if the Snatchers were coming to take Spirit away, then he would need to get Spirit out of the lagoon and find her pod as soon as possible. If he were to look for Iris after the test, it would be too late. Iris was also the only one who could find Spirit's pod, she knew a lot about sea lykar habitats and particular sea lykar pods. But did he want to find Iris for that reason, or did he just want his sister back? To have a family again?

Branch reached the lagoon and saw Spirit playing with her lykar friend, chasing each other around the lagoon. He climbed up on the lagoon edge, Spirit soon noticed him and swam over, with the other lykar following behind. Spirit rested her head on the rock, looking into Branch's eyes. Branch sighed and patted Spirit's snout, he noticed the other lykar beside her and reached his hand out to pet him, but he wasn't too sure and backed away. "It's okay," Branch said softly, the lykar slowly approached the blue troll and pressed his nose against Branch's hand, "you're a big guy, aren't you."

Branch stroked Spirit's head and scratched her behind the ears, he looked at her sadly. Spirit noticed Branch's sad expression and nudged his foot with her nose.

"You'll be free in a week," Branch smiled, but soon turned to a frown, "I'm really going to miss you," Branch sulked and sighed. Spirit hated seeing Branch sad, but she had a solution. She dove into the water and peaked her head and her back above the surface. "You want a back scratch?" Branch chuckled, he reached out his hand and scratched Spirit's back, she began to swim down the side of the lagoon, Branch was so focused on scratching Spirit that he didn't notice her dorsal fin, about to hit him. Spirit's fin knocked Branch clean off the rock and into the water. He swam back up to the surface and coughed. Spirit raised her head in front of Branch, he stroked her head and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to be gone for a few days, girl," Branch said, Spirit's big blue eye looked into Branch's, "I'll come back, I promise." He swam back to the edge and climbed onto the rock, picked up his backpack and waited for Poppy by the shore.

"Hey Branch!" A familiar voice caught Branch's ears, it was Poppy; she also had a backpack, "you ready to go?" she asked the blue troll.

"You know, you don't have to do this," Branch spoke, "I'm a survivalist, I can do this by myself. Besides, I don't want anything to happen to you." Poppy smiled at him.

"But if anything were to happen to you, who will have your back?" Poppy asked him, a smile started to tug on the corners of Branch's mouth. The two were interrupted by a familiar tan-colored troll.

"And if you were to die a slow, horrible death in the forest one your own, then how would we know?" Tekai came in and said sarcastically.

"Alright, alright, I get it," Branch laughed.

"You guys better get out of here before Clay finds out, but remember, I can't cover for you guys too long, so be back as soon as possible," Tekai stated, "don't worry about Spirit, she'll be fine."

"Thanks kid," Branch smiled.

"Just don't die, okay?" Tekai laughed as the two trolls walked up the shore and into the forest.

Poppy and Branch made their way into the deep woods, past the music troll village, bergen town, it felt like they travelled for hours, but there was still a long journey ahead.

"How long have we been walking now?" Poppy panted.

"About 20 minutes," Branch grunted and rolled his eyes, that was the thirteenth time Poppy had asked him that question.

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