Finally, A Definite Solution

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I sighed. Finally, we know what to do. But we need to do it as soon as possible.

I went into the light but the others weren't in the practice room. I kept looking around but Jinhwan and the two crazy idiots weren't there. I went near my mortal's friend and talked to his angels. They said he was in the infirmary.

My eyes widened to hear that our mortal was so sick to the point that he collapsed. What the heck is happening?! I rushed back into the light to go to the infirmary and saw the two waiting by our mortal's bed. He looked so pale.

"What happened to him?" I asked and the two immediately looked at me. Relief flooded their faces.

"He blacked out after drinking some medicine." Junhoe answered. "He's been sleeping for a while. His breathing seems to be normal. But have you found the cure for him?" he added.

"Yes." And Hanbin looked at me with doubt. "And this time it's a sure cure. The Guardian and I talked to the Elders." I explained.

I wasn't sure if he was still worried about the cure or if he was worried that Jinhwan would stop seeing him.

"As long as he'll be safe." Hanbin said, holding onto Jinhwan's hand.

In a while, our mortal's friend came into the infirmary to wake up Jinhwan. Although scared at first, he just gritted his teeth and sat on our mortal's legs before shaking him.

Our mortal opened his eyes but he didn't complain or raise a fuss. It was quite a show, he didn't seem to have any energy to do so.

"Practice is done. Let's go home. Our car's out front. Can you walk?" His friend said and he just nodded. His friend stood up and assisted him in standing up. At that same moment, our mortal noticed that Hanbin had been holding on to his hand. Hanbin squeezed his hand before letting it go and out mortal smiled at him.

Looks like a lot has happened in my absence.

Jinhwan stood up slowly while his friend assisted him. While we walked towards the entrance of his school, I felt the same eerie feeling I had yesterday and I immediately looked around. If they Keepers were right then the demons were really after our mortal.

I looked at Junhoe who seemed to have sensed them as well. He was also looking around, as if looking for them. Meanwhile the angels of our mortal's friend looked at us accusingly. I didn't mind them and didn't want to explain anything to them. It'll just complicate things even more.

And then I saw them, grinning with burning red eyes. They were at a distance but it looked like they were heading our way. I immediately looked at Jinhwan, making sure he didn't see them but I was late.

He had his forehead wrinkled while looking at their direction. He can see them. My body moved on its own and immediately went in front of him making him stop walking. He looked at me and shook his head.

"I think this headache is making me see weird things." He said.

I understood what he meant but his friend immediately answered, "Why? What did you see?"

With that, he started looking around but seeing nothing. "Don't tell me you can see-" He started but Jinhwan immediately glared at him making him stop.

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