Ali: ok that car is with me thanks max on your break come in we're making jumbo!

Max: got it.

We head up the path way we get to the house I bring in Lex and her diaper bag I see Emily and the girls in the kitchen.

Ali: go get the shit from my car babe please!

Emily: ok hold on!

I put Lex on the counter she starts to cry I look at the time it's time for her to eat. Just as I take her out the girls come running in.

Shea: mommy we got it!

They run to the fridge and get my breast milk Brea climbs on a chair.

Brea: excuse me please!

Shannon: sorry!

She moves over the girls are just watching them.

Catie: this is so cute!

Brea puts it in the warmer it dings she jumps off the chair they run to me.

Ali: thanks guys!

Twins: I want to feed her!

Ali: fuck!

They start to fight Emily comes in with the bags and see them.

Emily: hey what's wrong!

Shea: I want to feed lex but Brea won't let me!!

Ali: hey no yelling you both won't mommy is doing it!

They start to have a tantrum.

Ali: you guys still want kids?

Catie: hell yeah!

Shea: please mommy!

Brea: please!!

Ali: Emily I cant you deal with it I did it last time.

I hear someone come down the stairs Demi and Hanna come to the kitchen.

Demi: what's the cry for guys?!

Brea: we want to feed lex but mommy said no!

Han: why?

Shea: we wear fighting!!

Demi: who you yelling at you want a spanking and if mommy said no cause you guys wear being mean to each other then listen.

Han: know wipe your tears or we'll give you something to cry about.

They wipe there tears.

Demi: know hug each other and say sorry to mommy and mama for crying.

Twins: sorry mommy and mama.

Then they hug they walk to they play room I look at Demi and Hanna stunned.

Demi: were good at this we're so ready for they baby!

They kiss and the girls are in shock that it's Demi Lovato in my kitchen.

Han: hey guys what's up?

Shanna: Demi Lovato I'm Shannon!

Demi: hey guys so how was that Ali.

Ali: that was amazing I've never seen them calm down that fast.

Emily: yeah you want to keep them?!

Ali: shut up there still our kids Emily.

Emerson: how old is Lex?

Ali: she 8 weeks!

She finishes her bottle and I burp her she throws up a little on the cloth she starts to cry I think she ate to much.

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