Part 8

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                                                                                Romero's home

I'm talking to Mimi aka Dude, and she asked me have I heard from Romero yet, I said no has she talked to him, she said no. I told her that's not like Romero not to talk to anyone, I hope he's not hurt or something, I asked Dude did she think something happened to my guy. And I'm wondering if my father has something to do with him being missing.

Listen Xavier don't think bad thoughts, we have to be optimistic, I believe when Romero's ready to call us he will, just give him sometime to deal with things, I told him I had to go and if I hear from our boy I'll call him. X said okay someone's on the other end. I asked him is it Romero, he said no its Felix, I told him to tell Felix hey for me and I hung up.

After hanging up with Dude, I clicked over and talked to Felix he said Romero is home, I asked him is he okay and where has he been?

Xavier he's okay but from the tone of his voice he seems different, I know you love him but just give him some time to contact you, X said okay. He asked me did Romero tell me why he left ,I knew after talking to Romero, but its not my place to tell X. I told him he said he just had to think about something's, X said okay and thanks for calling him, I said we both care about Romero, I told him I'll talk to him later I hung up. I'm with Romero he asked me what did X say.

I told him X loves him and he just needs to go and talk to him, and see if they have a future or not. I asked Romero is he going to tell X everything ,he said if X does want to be with him, he's not going to want him if he finds out he's been raped. I told him to think about it, this will tell him if X really loves him. 

Felix if it were you would you tell Quan you were raped, he said yes he would tell him, even if things got bad for them, Quan needs to know and X needs to know let him make up his mind about this. And don't wait until things are good with us and tell him. I told Felix if things were good with X and I,I would never tell him, he told me just tell him. 

Felix said he had to go and just do like he said and tell X ,he hugged me and left, mom came in my room and said I missed a lot of classes, and when am I going back to school? I said I don't know yet, she asked me what's going on Pat wouldn't tell her anything, she told her to ask me.

I wasn't going to tell my mom that I was raped, I told her it was just something between X and I, mom said he's been calling her for weeks trying to find me. Mom asked me did X's dad do something to cause trouble, I said no this was something between X and I,I told mom I have to go and talk to X, she hugged me and said I can't live my life around X if he loves me he should treat me better than he does. I kissed mom and left, everyone's telling me what to do, I have to do this on my own, and no more taking shit from X.

I got in my car and drove to X's new house, Felix told me where he moved too, its in a gated community, I drove up to the guard house, I said I'm here to see Mr. Thomas, he called up to the house, the guard asked me my name I told him, he said I could drive in. He asked me did I know which house it  is, I said not really he said its 1508 there are signs telling me where to go. I drove through the gate, the houses were big and spread apart the neighbors weren't close, I'm sure X likes that so he can run around naked.

I got to the house and the gate opened up, and I drove through them the place is big, that's X he does everything big, I got out of the car and X came out of the house, he hugged me and said don't ever leave him again, he realized how much he loves me. X said no he's in love with me, he said he was scared to love me because of his father but no more, he picked me up I said what's he doing, he said taking me in our house this is for both of us. X said a house isn't a home if there's no one to share it with, and he wants to share everything with me, we got in the house and X put me down and got on one knee and asked me to marry him.

I told him to slow down, he said I don't love him anymore, I said I do but we can't go back to what we had it was one sided. X said what ever I wanted its mine, and he will change because he loves me, I  told him I've changed too, X took me by the hand and we walked upstairs to this huge bedroom, and he undressed me and started kissing me on the neck and rubbing my ass he said he missed this. I told X like I said I've changed and I told him to suck me right now, X said wow were did that come from  but he did it, and I pushed him on the bed and ate his ass, and I screwed him.

X said yes that's what he's always wanted from me, I  was tearing X up, I thought I was just a straight bottom, but now I see I can penetrate him and it felt good, in fact X said he was cumming and I stroked him harder and faster and I came too. After we finished, we showered together, X said I never answered him, I said yes I'll marry him but on my terms its not just him anymore but us. He said yes, and called me baby, I missed hearing him call me that, X told me whatever I want and he'll listen to me, and take my dick, but he still wants my fat ass too, I said of course I still want dick too. We finished showering and X asked me am I hungry, I said not really just hold me, we got back in bed and he held me.

X fell asleep and I just watched him sleeping, he better mean everything he said or I'll get him too, but X did show me aside I've never experienced with him before, by letting me penetrate him. I got out of bed and got my book bag where Pete's gun is, I took it out and pointed it at X's head I said don't ever fuck over me or I'll use this gun. I put it back and got back in bed and held him, yeah I'll use it on X and myself.

My phone rang its Felix calling me, X woke up, he said I have to be hungry now, I said I am, he said he'll order dinner from Lennox, is that okay with me I said sure. My phone rang again X asked me am I going to answer the call, I told him its Felix I'll call him later right now I just want time with him. I let the call go to voicemail, X ordered our food and he got out of bed his dick is dangling I laughed, he looked at me and smiled. 

X told me I could get with my mom and planned our wedding, whatever I wanted I can have, he just wants our day to be special. I felt good that X wants to finally be with me, he went into the bathroom, and I checked Felix's message, he asked me did I tell X what happened to me, and how are things going call him back. I deleted his message I'm not telling X anything, he wants to marry me and that's all I want, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

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