Part 5

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                                                                    I want him back.

Its been a month, and I had a great job  working for the Alexander's, but  I had to get another place, since my apartment is now turning into condoms, I wasn't paying $150k for a one bedroom apartment. Quinn hooked me up with his stepdad, he owns a large real-estate agency and he thought he could help me find a house.

In fact Quinn said his stepdad had a house that he was going to give to Quinn and Felix, but they bought there own place and he thinks it will be great for me. I got with his stepdad and he showed me the house it was great, its everything I wanted, it was big but so what I can afford it. My aunt Brenda said she would loan me the money until I can get my inheritance, I told her I'm good for it. So I bought the place, I just wish Romero would come back and share this with me.

Mimi  called me and told me Romero has been with some dude, and he's no good for him, she thinks the dude is beating Romero, I said oh hell no where is he I'll bring Romero home with me. She said let her talk to him and we'll both go and get him, Mimi was tougher than any dude I ever met, shit half the dudes on campus were scared of her. I told her okay let me know what he says, and I hung up. I know I did something's to Romero, but I never put my hands on him poor kid.

Felix came over to see me, he said the house is great, I said yeah to bad I don't have Romero here to enjoy it with me. He told me to call him, I said I want to but he's with someone else now, and Mimi told me the dude might be beating Romero. Felix said not any more Romero called him, and said he left the guy and he wanted to get away for awhile. I asked him did he know where Romero went. Felix said no he wouldn't tell him, and Romero said he'll call him when he gets settled, I hope he's not gone for good. 

Felix said I love Romero don't I,I said yes and I was a fool for not going to the hospital when he got hurt, I know my dad had him beaten up. I told Felix I'm going to stand up to my father, no more of him bullying me around I'm a grown gay black man, he said good for me. Felix tried to call Romero he said now his phone is turned off, I said damn where could he be and I hope he's okay.

The doorbell rang and I answered the door, its my father, it looks like I'll get my chance to tell him off. Dad said don't be rude let him in, I did I asked him how did he know where I lived, he said he knew, dad looked at Felix but didn't say anything he thinks anyone around me is gay, which they were. Dad said I finally did something right and invested in a house. 

He asked me what were my mortgage payments, I told him I don't have a mortgage, the house is paid for so I just pay taxes and insurance and whatever goes along with a house. He asked me did I borrow against my trust fund, I said sort of he said I should have came to him, I told him I'm good, father corrected me and said I'm doing well don't use bad English, I said yes father. 

But I got some balls and said no, don't correct me in my own house, I'm not under his ass anymore. He said what did I say, I told him he heard me and I have a job and can pay my own way and I'm not kissing his ass any more, he laughed.

God I hope he doesn't beat my ass in front of Felix, what am I saying let him swing on me and his ass will be on the floor, after I fuck him up. Dad said its about time I got some balls if only I wasn't a fucking fag, he looked at Felix and said at least my taste was getting better, that Romero  is running wild and an embarrassment to his mother. 

I told him I'm going to marry Romero. Dad said if I do Romero will be a widow on my wedding day, and I can use the church twice, I told him to leave. He laughed and said he was only leaving because he had other business. And he didn't want to embarrass me in front of company, Romero was doing that to his mom.

I told him and if he tries to have Romero beaten up again, he'll answer to me, he smiled at me and left, Felix said good for me, now we need to find Romero so I can tell him I love him. I asked him to call Romero's mom maybe she knows where he is, she won't tell me, he said he'll do that for me, Felix said he'll just go to her house, I said thanks and he left.

I was scared to death but I stood up to my father, so this is just the beginning now, I know dad will try something, I walked around my house and said this is for Romero too. Mimi called me and said she found out that Romero left town, I asked her did she know where he went, she said no only that dude said he put Romero out, he had moved in with that nothing dude. I told her if I hear anything I'll call her, and I want her to do the same she hung up. Romero where are you?

Felix called and said Romero's mom is out of town and the housekeeper won't tell him where she went, I said okay thanks maybe I'll hired someone to find Romero, he said let him talk to Rico he works with the Alexander's he can find Romero. I said thanks let me know what the guy says, he said okay and hung up. Again Romero where are you baby I need you, I even got stronger and kinda told my dad off.

I sat on the couch and just looked at Romero's picture, I'm sorry about how I treated you come home to me and we can make a life together. I even told my dad I want to marry you, because I love you I know that now.

Nothing seems right without Romero, God if you send him back to me I promise to treat him right, please.

Its a family affair cruel peopleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon