Part 14

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                                                                  The death of Jackson Thomas.

I stood in my room and just looked at Jackson Thomas's obituary, my father got what he deserved death. Finally God took care of him in his own way, I didn't have tears for the man who was my father. The will was read and my father left me everything I was shocked, I knew he hated me but to leave me everything he had was a real fucking shock to me.

I have to move on with my life and be happy with Romero, there's a time for everything in life, a time to be born and a time to die, in the middle is what we make of it.  And I'm going to make the best of it no more sadness or hate, Romero came in the room and asked me am I okay.

I smiled at him and said I'm fine because I have him, and soon we'll be married and live our lives as one. Romero kissed me and said he'll always be with me, bae I still can't believe my father left me everything.

X your dad only loved money and control, so he left you what he loved ,and he's trying to control you in death but you're not going to let him, X said he's not so sure about that. Apart of him is under control with all the money. Bae you're now your own man, and the only way your dad can control you in death is if you let him.

I know Romero and your right ,and what my dad left me half of it belongs to my brother, I have to find him. Romero said I have a good heart, but he's not entitled since its my moms money..

I called Rico and asked is there any news about my brother, he said not yet but he's working on it and as soon as he finds anything he'll let me know. He said sorry about me losing my father, I told him I'm not and hung up.

I looked at all the papers on the desk, from the deed to my fathers house to all the bank accounts, and the only thing dad thought made him happy, didn't make him happy. I  started thinking about my brother, I hope he's not like our father, and I'm sure he doesn't have a problem with gays sense his mom is gay. I wonder what he's like, Romero kissed me and said lets do it he needs some sex.

Romero your so nasty, I took his hand and we went in the bathroom, and got undressed and took a shower and had sex ,after we finished we got in bed and just talked. My phone rang its Mr. Dink ,I wasn't in the mood for him, I just let it go to voicemail. Romero asked me what did he want, I said I didn't check, lets just hold each other and not think about shit.

Okay my love, I kissed X and told him I'm so happy with him.

I'm happy with you too Rom, and thanks for wanting to be with me, he said where else would he be, baby I've done you wrong so many time. 

X its okay we're here together now, and that's all that matters, that's in the past.

Bae it s funny how your dad came here to tell me my dad was dead, Rom said his dad has been calling him, but he's not ready to talk to him. He said his life is with me now, and whatever his dad wants to talk about will have to wait. I didn't want to tell Rom apart of me loved my father, why I don't know. But at least I have my moms family's fortune and I'll share with them too. But first I have to find my brother.

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