"Are you going out?"

"Just coming in actually."

Colson walls around the man and falls onto the couch. The house was warm and the lights were dimmed. Aetos sat in the chair across Colson and his hands clasped in front of him, elbows on his thighs.

"What happened?"

Unlike the wolves, one thing Colson knew about vampires besides their strength, feeding, fangs and their aversion to sunlight, it's that they couldn't tell when someone was lying, can't listen for a blip in their hearts.

However, to be on the safe side. He says.

"Couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake Cobie."

The vampire leaned back against the cashier and Colson finds himself rolling his eyes for the second time that night. His eyes kept trailing down Aetos' body and shit, the man has to put on a shirt.

"Don't you own a fucking shirt?"

Aetos raised a brow at Colson before getting up from the couch. "Why don't you make yourself at home? I'm going to take a shower."

Colson refuses to think about Aetos standing wet under the spray of the shower, soap all over and hand m- nope! He gets up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen. He was told to make himself at home, so that's what he does.

He opened the fridge and grins in triumph when he finds Chinese take out. He pulls it open and almost danced when he sees it was pork fried rice. He grabbed a bowl and poured it, sticking it in the microwave. As he waited for the food to heat up, he pulls out a six pack of beer and a bottle water.

He takes that to the seating room and went back in for the rice. By the time Aetos came out, Colson was on the floor, the blanket he had taken from one of the guest rooms under him and his food and beer spread out in front of him.

"Here." Aetos tossed Colson the remote and he gives the vampire a thumbs up. They both settle on watching How I Met Your Mother.

While Colson watched and ate, Aetos made a quick grab of a bag of jelly beans from the kitchen. He falls into the space beside Colson who hands him a can of beer.

"Isn't it too late to be drinking?"

"It's nine pm somewhere."

"But is almost four am here." Aetos argued. "You're going to wake up cranky and early."

"You don't know that." Colson sassed, taking a gulp of his beer. After what had taken place in his room, minutes ago, of course he's going to drink. "Can I sleep here?"

"Of course. Just text your brother so he'll know where you are."

"Done. I sent it to him before you came back from your shower." Colson takes another sip of his beer. He's on his third can and can already feel a buzz.

"How do you know I was going to say yes?"

"Because you never tell me no." Colson replies honestly. Aetos stared at him with raised brows, his face unreadable. It's something Colson had picked up, especially after the first day Aetos made pancakes for him.

Aetos looks away from him and takes a gulp of the beer.

"Do vampires even get drunk?"

"Do wolves get drunk?"

"A simple yes or no will suffice, daywalker." Colson tsked before taking another gulp. He squeezed the can when he was done and picked the last can of beer.

"Will you stop with the names?"

"Only if you answer my question."

Aetos sighed and answers Colson. "Our beer would have to be spiked."

Dark Moon (ManxMan) Where stories live. Discover now