2. The Reunion: Part Two

Start from the beginning

The rest of our time together we were walking around holding hands, and talking. Cooper dropped me off at my condo. Before I left his car I kissed him on the cheek and said goodbye. When I went inside I got a call from Olivia.

Kelsey: Hey liv whats up?

Olivia: omg you & Cooper?!?!? You guys are soo cute!!

Kelsey: Liv what do you mean?

Olivia: have you not seen?!?! The pictures are all over the media

Kelsey: okay I'll check it out, see ya at the event next week

When I got off the phone I checked all my social media and news articles online. They all were pictures of Cooper & I having lunch and walking around Central Park. All of the captions and headlines were along the lines of "Cooper Kupp & Kelsey James looking cozy on their date, sources say the two met at Olivia Culpo's birthday party..are they official?" I never minded what all these articles would day about me because my parents taught me at a young age that the only person who can judge me is God and myself. As the week went by I prepared for all my fittings and events.

Today is Monday, the first day of the Best Buddies event. I woke up early to get ready and I had to get there early for the interview panel before we hung out with all the kids and celebrities. I wore my purple gym shark leggings and a matching sports bra, I wore my Best Buddies tank top they sent to all the celebrities. The night before I packed a suitcase filled with my things because I was going to stay at the hotel where the event was happening, along with the rest of the celebrities if they wanted to. I grabbed my suitcase, bag and put on my grey hoodie and my white nike running shoes. Once I got to the hotel there was already a bunch of paparazzi. As I walked over to Monique and my assistant Gianna they kept asking about Cooper, but I just smiled at them and kept walking. I put my stuff away in my hotel room, put my hair in a braid, and then we headed out.

Giana: Okay kels, the announcers are going to be introducing each celebrity and what charitable works they work on the most and then you're going to walk onto the stage and have a seat where your name is labeled.

Kelsey: sounds good! Monique, have they told you who else is going to be joining the panel?

Monique: no, so far I know that theres going to be six of you, three women, three men. Cooper will be introducing you guys and then has to set up for the relays. The foundation paired a man and a women based on their charitable foundations they support. Whichever team wins $5,000 goes to the Best Buddies foundation and another $5,000 goes to the team's foundation of choice.

Kelsey: wow this is going to be a great day!

Cooper: well I'm glad you said that!

I gave him a hug and we started talking about the event. After we talked Cooper went on stage to start the introductions. The other celebrities don't know who the other celebrities that are going to be out there because no one told them. I just know that there are going to be other celebrities that are there for support. The order of the celebrities: Olivia Culpo, Shawn Mendes, Nina Dobrev, and Cody Bellinger from the LA Dodgers. Cooper announced all the charitable foundations they were a part of. Now it was my turn.

Cooper: Ok everyone, to make up the last team for today. She supports the City of Hope and Best Buddies. She is a global ambassador for both the Oceana Foundation and the World of Children Foundation. She is a world-wide model and a social media influencer, please give a warm welcome to KELSEY JAMES!!!!

The crowd started cheering and Monique gave me the go signal to run up on the stage. I ran out and waved to the crowd and took my seat. I saw the crowd and the room was packed.

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