8. Agony

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Jason's point of view:

Brooklyn was alive? How? How was this possible? She was sitting right here in front of me, a puddle of blood that glinted in the moonlight accumulating beneath her, and yet she was still alive?

She wore an expression of shock almost identical to mine as she waved her hands around in front of her face.

"I'm alive?" she asked, confusion lacing her tone.

It was then that I noticed the red streak running down her arm. She must have been shot in the arm. Funny, I thought it was aiming at her chest. 

Crouching down beside her, I grabbed her hand and hauled her to her feet - with the arm that hadn't been shot of course - and as we walked - well, her stumbling and me half carrying her - I applied pressure to her wound. In no time at all we had arrived back at Brooklyn's house. By this time, Brooklyn's adrenaline rush had left her and she could feel the searing pain within her shoulder, silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Brooklyn," cried a flustered Mrs Storm, "You're finally back! I've been worried sick! If you're going to -"

It was then that she noticed the state her daughter was in and her nursing instinct took over. 

"Place her on the table in the living room."

I did what I was told and laid her, carefully, on the coffee table that had thankfully been covered in a red cloth. 

"You're going to have to hold her down," she whispered to me then she turned her head to Brooklyn, "This is going to hurt honey."

Quickly, she put a pair of tweasers into the bloody mess that was Brooklyn's shoulder and began the difficult process that was extracting a bullet. Brooklyn screamed out in agony and it was becoming hard work to hold down her writhing body. Exactly a second after the bullet was out she wrenched herself from my grasp and sat up, sobbing from the immense pain. Protectively, I cradled her shaking frame as her mother dressed and wrapped the wound.

"It hurts," she murmured, tears pooling once again within her baby blue eyes, "It hurts so much."

"Ssh, it's alright. Everything will be alright."

And we stayed like that for the rest of the night. God, I don't know what I would've done if this girl had been taken away from me.


A/N Hello! Sorry, again, for not updating for ages, again. I hope you found this chapter sweet and please comment your thoughts down below it really makes my day. On a side note I was wondering if you guys would like me to write a Harry Potter fanfic and if so if you would like it to be a Weasley twin love story - tell me in the comments. Anyways, byeeeee!


"Cause I'm with you til' the end of the line" - Steve Rodgers and Bucky Barnes

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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