"We did it." He whispered into my ear and I nodded into his shoulder. I pulled away a wide smile growing on my face.

"We did it!" I yelled and a few people around me laughed as everybody piled out of the school.

"EVE! EVE! WE DID IT! WE GRADUATED!" I was attacked by my best friend, Ella, her red hair getting into my mouth as she jumped onto me.

"I know! We actually did it!" I yelled and she got off of me just hugging me as I hugged her back.

"Let's get out of here!" She yelled and grabbed my wrist pulling me away from Zach who just laughed and turned to his friends to talk.

"I can't believe that our high school years are over, I feel like they just started." I said as we walked outside where a few parents and families were waiting for their kids.

"I want it to be freshman year again and I want it to never end." Ella said and we sat down on one of the benches over looking the school park.

"Actually, I'm glad it's over. Now we can actually start a real life, we can get married and get a job and start a family. We are adults now. We always used to play grown up and we couldn't wait to be adults and now it comes and we wish we could be kids again." I said staring at the flowers in the park remembering my childhood. "When my parents were both dead I couldn't wait to grow up and get out of the adoption center, to start a life by myself. Now that this day is here, I don't think I want to be that sad little girl in the adoption center."

"That's why you are becoming a doctor." Ella said and I laughed looking over at her the smile never leaving my face.

"A nurse actually." I said and she rolled her eyes letting out a sigh.

"Same thing." She said and I laughed and looked over my shoulder watching as the boys ran towards me.

"I'm gonna go talk to my family." I said and Ella nodded and I walked over to all the boys wrapping my arms around Luke who hugged me back and kissed my head.

"We are all so proud of you." He said and I smiled and pulled away hugging Beau next. I went down the line of hugging all the boys. 

"You guys adopting me was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't know where I would be without you." I said smiling at each boy.

"I know where you would be." James said and I raised my brows crossing my arms over my chest.

"Okay, tell me." I said ready to hear his answer.

"You would be back in Melbourne with your very rich family and your wedding would already planned and your very rich husband already picked out." He said and I laughed rolling my eyes as I wrapped my arms around James hugging him tightly.

"I love you guys so much." I said and James hugged me back and I held onto his side looking at all the boys.

"We love you, too." Jai said and I smiled at him letting out a deep sigh as I looked up to the sky.

"Can I have a moment, alone?" I asked and the boys nodded giving me a smile as I walked away from them and into the park.

I sat down on the bench and stared at the pink roses in front of me, my mother's favorite.

"Hi, mum." I whispered allowed a small smile to form on my face. "I made it. I did it and I really wish you and dad were here with me. I really miss you guys, I hope you know that I haven't forgotten you. I don't even know if your listening, but if you are could you maybe just give me a sign, anything, I just need to know that you're here."

I looked up at the sky staring at the clouds that were slowly moving in the sky. I let out a sigh laughing at myself.

"I knew you weren't here." I whispered and I closed my eyes so I wouldn't cry and ruin my makeup.

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