Chapter 7

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I walked up to Beau and Jai's room with Jai by my side.

"There they are!" Beau exclaimed as he sat on his bed and Luke on Jai's.

"Here we are!" I exclaimed laughing as I sat down next to Luke and he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Can I ask you something?" Jai asked me and I nodded.

"Shoot." I said playing with Luke's shirt.

"How did your parents die?" Jai asked and I stopped what I was doing just freezing. 

"You don't have to answer." Beau said.

"No, you need to know. I need to talk about it." I said swallowing slowly.

"Okay, go ahead." Luke encouraged me.

"Okay, here goes nothing..." I said sighing.

(the rest of this will be a flashback to the day her parents died so here)

"Evelyn! Come on we have to go to your father's work party!" my mum yelled as she walked up the steps to come and get me. 

"Yes, mum." I said smoothing out my pink floral dress. 

"You are so beautiful." My dad said as he leaned against the door frame smiling at me.

"Daddy, I'm only eight, you can't tell if I'm beautiful or not yet." I said turning to face my dad who was laughing.

"Love, you are beautiful." he said and I hugged him as he kissed my hair.

"Thank you, daddy." I said and he walked away tucking his short sleeved black button-up shirt in. His brown hair was gelled down and his bright green eyes popped out against his outfit.

"Evelyn and Marcus hurry up!" My mum yelled from the steps trying to sound demanding in her tiny, sweet voice.

"Marilyn, love, patient." Dad said chuckling as mum sighed. I stepped out of my room and down the steps.

"Eve, you look ravishing." Mum said as she kissed my cheek gently and her kind, brown eyes looked into mine as she pushed her short blonde hair behind her ear.

"I'm ready, mum." I smiled and she smiled laughing.

"I know you are." she laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me outside as dad followed getting in the car. I sat in the back and my mom got into the passenger seat.

"Eve, now I know I don't need to tell you this, but behave yourself." Dad said sternly looking at me in the mirror. I nodded and he chuckled.

"MARCUS!" Mum screamed clutching his arm as a car hit us in the side that my dad was sitting.

"Daddy!" I yelled my head bleeding slightly from hitting the window.

"Eve! Eve, are you okay?!?!?!" My mom as turning around fighting through the airbags in search for me.

"Mum! Is dad okay?" I asked as the tears streamed down my face and I watched as my dad weakly dragged himself over to me and mum.

"Marilyn, I love you. Eve, I love you as well." dad said and he started choking as blood slowly poured from his mouth.

"Marcus, it's going to be okay." Mum said gently grabbing his hand as he looked up at her his eyes getting glassy.

"Daddy." I whimpered. He continued to cough up blood choking as my mum cried softly and his body convulsed twice before going weak.

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