Chapter 4

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I blinked open my eyes and groaned as I saw who was sitting on the end of my bed.

"Why don't you go home already, Marcus." I whined and pulled the blankets over me.

"But I love you!" Marcus said and hugged me with the blankets still over me. "So, so, much." he said and rocked us back and forth as I giggled under the blankets.

"This is assault!!" I said and Marcus chuckled as he started tickling me through the blankets.

"Oh, come on, you love it." he chuckled and I laughed as he tickled my sides.

"MARCUS!!!" I laughed and he pulled the blankets back giving me puppy dog eyes.

"HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER!" I looked at the door and saw Luke glaring and pointing at Marcus.

"She's a little girl, Marcus!" Alfie cried in horror.

"We were just playing around." I said as Marcus rolled off of me and Luke's jaw dropped as he stared at me horrified.

"How do you say that like it's nothing!?!?!?!" He yelled at me and my eyes widened at how he interpreted what I said.

"Lad, it was nothing. She didn't even like it so I was gonna stop anyways." Marcus said and Luke's eyes widened even more in horror.

"YOU ARE A SICK PERSON, MARCUS!" he cried in horror.

"Luke, you are taking this the wrong way." I started but Alfie's screaming was outnumbering my small voice.

"As your mother, I demand you to get out of the bed, but wrap a blanket around you." Luke ordered and I sat up.

"WE DIDN'T HAVE SEX, LUKE!! WE WERE MESSING AROUND AND MARCUS WAS TICKLING ME!!!" I screamed loudly and Luke blinked before he turned to an embaressed Marcus.

"I would never do that to a 13 year old." Marcus said as he swallowed slowly.

"Who had sex with who?" Beau demanded as he walked into my room with Jai following behind him.

"Nobody!" I exclaimed and I looked at the clock. "Now I only have an hour to get ready for school!" 

"I'll drive you, just hurry up." Luke said and the boys all left leaving me alone for once.

I walked over to my closet and picked out a pair of faded jeans and a light blue sweater. I slipped the clothes on and I put on a pair of black vans to go with my outfit. I walked out of the closet and straightened my hair quickly before I applied light makeup. I grabbed my new bag that Beau had gotten me with new school supplies in it.

"Luke! Let's go!" I yelled running out of the house as I got into the car quickly.

"Ready?" Luke asked as he started the car and quickly backed out of the driveway driving quickly down the road.

"Yeah." I said with a shrug as Luke sped down the road that led to school.

"Am I keeping you guys being my parents a secret?" I asked Luke.

"Yeah, just so you don't get hate, ya know." Luke said and I nodded.

"I understand." I said and Luke pulled into the school.

"Bye, Eve. I'll pick you up later and then we'll get ready for the concert." Luke said and I knew he really didn't want to go to the concert either.

"Thanks, Luke. I love you, mom." I teased and kissed his cheek as he hugged me and kissed my head.

"Have a great day, darling." he said in a feminine voice. I chuckled and opened the door getting out of the car. I closed it and Luke drove off.

I walked toward the door to school and I let out a sigh as I pushed my hair behind my ears and braced for all of the questions as I opened the door and walked in.

A New ForeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora