Chapter 6

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I heard the door open and the boys were all whispering.

"Eve, come here." Luke said and I pretended to be sleeping as a few tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Eve, we know you aren't sleeping." Jai said and I heard him walking towards me. I turned to look at Jai as he sat down on the bed next to me. He wiped my tears away with his thumb as Luke shoved Daniel towards me.

"Eve, I'm really sorry." Daniel said and I knew he wasn't lying. "I deleted the tweet." 

"Thank you, Daniel." I said quietly and Daniel nodded letting out a sigh.

"Why don't we all go to our rooms so Eve can sleep." Beau said and all of the boys left except for Luke, since we shared a room.

"Eve, you should go to sleep." Luke said and I nodded rolling onto my side as I closed my eyes. I listened as I heard him taking his shirt and pants off to go to sleep. I turned over and watched as Luke pulled up a pair of sweatpants and than ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and then walked over to his bed laying down as he stared at the ceiling.

 I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to Luke's. I pulled his blankets back and crawled under the sheets curling up in Luke's arm. I rested my head against his chest closing my eyes.

"What if I didn't want you to sleep with me?" Luke asked.

"I still would have done it." I said and Luke chuckled as he kissed my head and we both fell into a deep sleep.

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"Looks like Luke and Eve got cozy last night." Beau said and I heard Jai chuckle.

"Go away." I groaned keeping my eyes closed.

"Wake up and say hello to your fans." Beau said and I kicked his leg. Or Jai's, one of the two.

"Oi!" Jai yelled and I smiled opening my eyes as I looked at Jai who was holding his knee.

"That was good aiming." Luke praised me as he smiled at me.

"We need to get to the venue so we can practice." Beau said and i groaned sitting up as I walked over to my bags.

"Who picked out my bathing suits anyways?" I asked and Jai blushed slightly.

"I did with James." Jai said and I just chuckled as I dug through my clothes.

"Here, let me help you." Beau said and he bent down next to me as he quickly put an outfit together for me. 

"Wow, thanks." I said happily as I stared at the outfit.

"Looks familiar." Luke smirked and Beau looked up at his brothers.

"Maybe it's because he wore almost the same outfit once." Jai smirked and Beau blushed slightly.

"That's okay, I like it. If you have the outfit, wear it today and it can be father-daughter bonding time." I said and Beau nodded smiling.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I smiled. Beau kissed my head and stood up.

"Go get dressed and then we can go." Beau said and I nodded walking into the bathroom. I quickly took a shower and then got dressed. I dried my hair and then straightened it putting it in a side ponytail. I applied light makeup making me look older. 

"Ready!" I said and I walked out of the bathroom as Luke was throwing a shirt on. It was a black  shirt with Janoskians printed in white.

"Okay, let's go." Luke said and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders leading me outside where the boys were waiting for us.

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