The sun shone brightly through the windows in the airport, flooding the area in natural light. I stood there with my eyes closed, trying to absorb the warmth but a loud voice interrupted my peaceful moment.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked with an underlying hint of amusement, grabbing my arm and pulling me in the opposite direction. "I think I just saw our ride over here."

I followed him over to an older man who was holding up a sign with our names on it.


The drive to the hotel was relatively peaceful, neither of us wanting to speak, being tired from the flight. The driver pulled up next to the hotel and promptly went and got our bags from the trunk, passing them to us.

The hotel looked like cheap luxury. The high ceiling made the room feel spacious and free whilst the large tinted windows allowed some light to enter however the main light source came from two large warm glowing lights hanging an unequal distance away from each other. Dark wood floors mirrored the movements of staff members and guests as they moved through the lobby. Tables and chairs that had been placed as comfortable seating but looked hard and more for the aesthetic than actual use. We made our way to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm Parker Collins and this is Paige Lewis. We should have been booked into a two bed room for the next week."

The receptionist looked at us before typing the information into the computer. She frowned looking at the screen and then back at us.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, we have your names down here but it's for a room with one bed."

What? The stupid radio station must've booked the room before they decided two people would win...

I sighed looking up at her, "Isn't there anything you can do?"

"I'm really sorry. The rest of the hotel is booked out because of the festival and all the spare beds are in use."

This time Parker sighed and held his hand out, "Can we have the key then?"

She passed it over to him with an apologetic smile.

"Enjoy your stay!"

We said our thanks before making our way to the elevator.

"Well, it looks like this is going to be awkward," Parker states, shifting his weight from his right to his left. His bag hung off of one shoulder, his hands interlocked with each other. The elevator arrived and we slipped in. Scanning our card, Parker clicked the 10th floor button and we made our way up. The elevator had subtle music playing in the background, to which I started to do a small, goofy dance to. It started with me just moving my shoulders up and down at different times and then moving my body along to the side, going up and down with each shoulder. Parker smiled at my antics, clearly amused at my way of passing the short elevator ride. We stopped with a ding. I bounced my way out and into the corridor, Parker following behind me closely.

Stopping at our room, Parker used the key to unlock the door and we both stepped inside. The room was clean and modern. When you first enter, there is a bathroom to your right, filled with small bottles of shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. There was a huge bathtub that was pushed to the side along with a stand alone shower with enough room for two. Towels sat neatly folded under the sink that was opposite the door and a mirror hung just above.

A king sized bed was placed in the exact middle of the room with wall lights placed either side of it. Underneath the bed, lights were strung around the frame to make it look as though it was floating in the dark. along the back wall, floor to ceiling windows covered every inch, not including the small area around a corner where a small balcony with a table and two chairs sat along with a drying rack. A two seat couch was placed facing away from the bed along with a coffee table and a TV. On a chest of drawers next to the bed, several cups, plates and a kettle sat ready to be used along with an assortment of snacks, tea bags and coffee all waiting to be used but with a price to pay. Next to the drawers, we placed our suitcases and I noticed a note on the top.

I dropped my bag and went to see what it said.

Dear Paige and Parker,

Welcome to sunny Florida! Are you ready for a week full of music, fun and relaxation? We at FM 114.4 want you to truly enjoy your stay and your time at Wanderlust. Enjoy exploring Miami before and after the festival, ask the hotel staff about some of the activities!

Congratulations once more,

114.4 FM rock and alt radio station.

I placed the note down and squealed inwardly.

I might be in heaven.

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