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          391 sits opposite him, teeth digging into her lip in an attempt to hide her smile. "Okay. I'll go first."

          She places the pillow-less pillowcase between them.

          He feels stupid, but he'd do anything to keep that smile on her face. "Alright. Can I open my eyes now?"


          He does. A chuckle escapes him when he sees her. She looks like an excited kid. She's too freaking adorable. The Beasts rumbles in agreement. "All right. Here it goes."

         He picks up the pillowcase. It's light, barely feels like there's anything inside. Touching it makes him think of a sock caught in a duvet. He quirks an eyebrow at her.

         She motions for him to look inside.

         Humouring her, he finds the opening and reaches inside. Fingers curl around some kind of fabric. It's soft. Maybe it is a sock...

          Eyes widen. His heart stops. Stutters.

          Or maybe....

          Like a kid in a candy shop hastily pulls out the material and-

          She's. So. Fucking. Awesome.

          In his palm rests a white pair of her crumpled underwear. A quick inhale confirms his thoughts.

           They're used, he thinks dreamily.

           She giggles at his expression. "I found the last pair when I was making your bed. They were, ah, getting a bit crusty so figured you could use some new ones." She sniggers

          "You're the coolest chick ever." He honestly means that. The Beast purrs inside of him. Apparently her willingly giving over something with her feminine scent was a honour.

            She laughs again. "I know. Now gimme my present!"

            He hands over his own pillowcase. She eagerly snatches it.

            Sheepishly, he scratches the back of his head. "I know how much you like wearing it so..."

            She grins, pulling out his white top. He was right - she loved the damn thing. It was like a dress on her and the bagginess made her feel comforted. Small. Safe.  

             "I love it!" She holds it to her chest. "Thank you."

             "There's another in there," he tells her, scratching at a spot behind his ear.

             She quirks her lips at him but goes searching for it anyway. She ends up pulling out two small objects - they looked like compressed cotton balls. "What is it?" She asks curiously, rolling them between her fingers

             "Homemade ear plugs." He's not sure if she'll like them but there's not much he can do for presents locked in a cell. "I, ah, I'll be the one wearing 'em. Cause, you know, you don't like me hearing you pee."

             Realisation washes over her and she grins. "Oh my god," she squeals, throwing herself at him. "That's so thoughtful! Thank you so much."

              It still amazes him how she can be totally cool with him sniffing and wanking into her panties, but completely grossed out at him hearing her do her business.

               Must be a girl thing.

               "It's nothing, baby," he tells her fondly, rubbing his palm down her back. "Merry Christmas," he mumbles into her shoulder.

                She hums happily. "Merry Christmas, 254."

Lab Rat(18+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz