Preference #5 part 1 - Phone Names female/feminine NB reader

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(This preference is the names that the two of you have on each others phones. Male/masculine nonbinary version soon.)

Thomas Sanders:
His Name: Ricu
Your Name: Kairi

Jilly Napier:
Their Name: My little Aries
Your Name: My awesome (zodiac sign)

Logan Sanders:
His Name: Teach
Your Name: Read

Meghan Napier:
Her Name: Little Einstein
Your Name: Belle

Patton Sanders:
His Name: Dad
Your Name: Mom

Payton Napier:
Her Name: Mum
Your Name: Sweetie

Roman Sanders:
His Name: Charming
Your Name: Snow

Rowena Napier:
Her Name: Anna
Your Name: Kristine
(Female Kristoff)

Virgil Sanders:
His Name: Patrick Stump
Your Name: Amy Lee

Virginia Napier:
Her Name: Sharon den Adel
Your Name: Lzzy Hale

Remy Sanders:
His Name: Coffee
Your Name: Cola

Ramona Napier:
Her Name: Snow
Your Name: Red

Deceit Sanders:
His Name: Salazar
Your Name: Helga

Deception Napier:
Her Name: Kaa
Your Name: Ash

Thomas Sanders Sides x Jilly Napier Sides (+ Reader) Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now