Character Analysis- Meg

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Name: Meghan Loucilla Napier

Personality Trait: Knowledge

Age: 27

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Sanders Side: Logan

Friends: Logan, Jilly, Thomas, Payton, Lucy, Dan, Luna

Enemies: Deceit, Deception, Anxiety, Radomira

She is on the fence about these people: Patton, Roman, Virgil, Virginia, Carol, Tegan, Susie

Favorite Disney Movie: Tommorrowland

Theme Song: Crazy=Genius by Panic! at the Disco

Favorite Fictional Character: Carmen Sandiago (Netfilx)

Favorite Disney Villain: Lady Tremaine

Favorite Superhero: Batman

Favorite Album: The Eminem Show

Hair Color/length: Black/Green, short

Eye color: Dark Blue

Top: Black button up with pockets

Bottom: Black dress pants

Extras: Slytherin tie, glasses, unicorn slippers (sometimes), black hairband, nude lipstick, blushes dark blue

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