Chapter Twenty Three

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"I'm surprised that Jeremy is gay, to be honest. He used to be pretty close to Selene before..." I trailed off, my heart squeezing tight.

"He's bi," Aiden shrugged.

I nodded. That makes more sense.

I got up to change. He just laid back against the bed and stared at the ceiling as I stripped. He's always been so flirty, I never would have guessed. Though, honestly that's just his personality.

I can't picture him and Christian together, but now that I know I hope they are much more open about their relationship in front of me. They would probably be so cute.

Besides, I have always wanted a gay best friend. Everyone in movies who had one always seemed to be so happy. I don't understand why anyone would be against someone being gay. It just doesn't make any sense.

Once I was ready, it was about time for the meeting. I left Aiden in my room so that I could go find Rowan. I didn't have to look long, as he was waiting for me outside of my door.

We walked together to the meeting in silence. For once, the room was already full by the time we got there. Like last time, I sat at the head of the table with Rowan seated next to me. Also like last time, the king was there.

"The person they attacked was a colleague of Freya's. There are two possible people that we think they may target next," Rowan began.

"Are they being monitored," Bret questioned.

"Yes. They have guards watching them now. We think the vampires will target again tomorrow at the exact same time," Rowan answered.

"I think we should send two highly trained groups to hide in the shadows and wait for the vampires to appear. And then we strike," I stated. 

"And how do we know who to split up? Not knowing which one will be targeted is risky," one of the others spoke up.

I nodded. "It is risky. But we have to prove to the vampires that we are a force to be reckoned with. If we don't, then maybe our own people will be their next target."

There were a few murmurs of agreement, but some people still seemed unsure.

"We can't leave this place unprotected," the same guy who spoke up before said.

"We won't. The vampires won't send an entire army to kill the human. Just a few tops. We could handle that with just a few of our men," Rowan explained.

Everyone began to speak quietly to each other, trying to decide what would be best. I bit my lip and shifted in my chair. If they decide not to do this, then those innocent people will die.

They are just here to guide you, Rowan murmured in my mind. You out rank them. They cannot make any real decisions here. The only decision you should be worried about is the king's.

I tilted my head in the king's direction. He sent me a half smile, glancing subtly between the two of us. I'm sure he heard everything Rowan said to me. Though, I'm also sure that is what Rowan intended to happen.

"You can send 3 men per person that you suspect might be in danger," the king spoke up, his words final.

3 men is not a lot. But I know that he is not the negotiating type. I'm lucky he's allowing even this. And the likelihood of the vampires sending more than 2 men is slim to none. Besides, we'll have the element of surprise on our side. It'll be fine.

"I would pick wisely," the king added as Rowan and I stood up to leave.

I ignored him as we walked out of the door. Once we were a safe distance away, I turned to Rowan. "So, who do you have in mind?"

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