Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two
I tried to process his words, but my thoughts were all over the place. I knew this was going to happen. I tried to prepare for it. But how do you prepare for an innocent to die? An innocent life that I caused the death of.

I dreaded asking the question, but I knew that I had to. I had to know. "Who?"

"A girl from where you used to work at," Rowan informed me, his voice soft.

Dread coiled in my stomach. I knew instantly who he was referring to. There is only one innocent person that worked at that pizza place. And she was a mother of twins.

"No," I murmured, my hand fluttering to my mouth.

Rowan took a step closer to me, wrapping me in his embrace. I allowed myself to practically fall into his arms. I rested my head on his chest, trying to collect my thoughts. I caused this innocent women to die. I left those children motherless. I did this.

I felt sobs start to rise in my throat and knew I had to get out of there before I lost it in front of everyone. Rowan seemed to have the same idea as he grabbed my hand and led me from the clearing.

I tried to force the tears at bay, but they fell silently anyways. I have no right to cry for her, to mourn her. I caused this.

"You cannot blame yourself," Rowan murmured, stopping when we were far enough away so that he could turn to look at me.

"How could I not? He killed her because he knew I used to know her. Knew that she was innocent, and that it would get a rise out of me. If she had never met me, she would still be alive. I'm not even a queen yet and I've caused so many innocents to die."

Rowan sighed and placed his hands on my face so that I would be forced to look at him. "No matter what choices you make and what happens, you cannot blame yourself. She may have died, but if you would have given Cameron up then even more people would have died. You saved a lot of people with that decision. And that is what you have to think about. Or you will never survive being queen."

I let out a few shallow breaths before slowly nodding. It is my fault that she is dead. But, he's right. If I would've chosen to give up Cameron, then maybe one of the halfings they create would have killed her anyways. And hundreds more.

"Do you think," I paused, not wanting to think about it. "Do you think he would target her kids next?"

Rowan swallowed hard. "I think we should assume the worst. We should probably go to the human world and check everything out. Find a pattern or something. Find out what will happen to her kids."

I nodded. "How are we going to get there?"

Rowan smirked. "I told you I was one of the few the water wraiths enjoy being around."

I smiled. That's right, he did say that. Rowan led us toward a pond deep into the woods. It shimmered in the same way the one from the Fae world did. Within seconds, bubbles were forming in the middle of the pond, and a fin could be seen splashing in the distance. Soon, a water wraith emerged.

Her bright hair flowed in the water behind her, her cat eyes staring directly into Rowan's. The sultry smile she sent his way made my stomach turn. She brought herself closer to us, her bare breasts poking out of the water. He kept his gaze locked on hers, not falling for her charm.

"We need passage to the human world."

"Is that so," she purred, coming even closer. I narrowed my eyes.

"Stop playing around, Narissa," Rowan informed her, his tone hard and final.

She jutted her bottom lip out in a pout. "You're no fun, Rowy."

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