➋ Deux - Found, but never lost.

Start from the beginning

I fell asleep only moments after she left. Everything was tiring to take in.

But I was awake now, and it was already the next day. The day after Christmas.

No one had come to get me for breakfast, so I thought I’d take it upon myself to get there on my own, or at least try to. I assumed they’d have a mess hall (or room) on the ground floor, so I made my why down the stairs first.

Just as I was about to reach the last few steps I was sent flying off the stairs and ended up scraping my knee and the palms of my hands on the tartan carpet. I was pushed. PUSHED.

I turned around to find the culprit. It was a chubby boy with blonde hair. I say chubby, but he looked like he was the kind of boy who ate a minimum of 5 chocolate bars a day. Chubby was putting it nicely, and at this moment I didn’t think I needed to be nice. So he was fat.

“Hey! Why’d you do that?” I asked as I got up, gingerly swatting away any dust that might have collected on my grey dress (the woman gave it to me, I didn't really have a choice). My knees were red and so were the palms of my hands… this hurt.

“Haha! You fell!” he pointed and laughed.

“I did not fall, you pushed me!” I huffed, were muggle children usually this… this… rude? This was the first one I met, and mother always said first impressions were important, but this first impression was a big… big… meanie muggle!

“I did not!”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”

I sighed, I couldn't believe this was really happening. All I wanted was some breakfast (preferably scones with jam and butter… preferably.) but all I got was this… this…

“Fat Billy.” Another boy spoke from further up the stairs.

It was a boy who looked to be the same age as me. He was a small, thin looking boy with swept back brown hair, and pale blue eyes. He too, was wearing the standard grey pantsuit as Billy (Like I said, no choice. I doubt anyone here has a choice).

“What did you just call me, shrimp?” Billy turned to face the brown haired boy.

I didn’t think the brown haired boy was really a shrimp. Well, undoubtedly we both looked dwarfed compared to Billy, but I think everyone here probably looked just as dwarfed too.

“Fat, He called you fat, Billy.” I spoke.

“You shut up! You… You… GIRL!

The brown haired boy chuckled, equally as amused with Billy’s uncreative reply as I was.

“Yes, I am a girl.”

“Yeah, and you have cooties!”

I giggled. Cooties.

“What’s so funny? I bet you also have a crush on Tom Riddle!”

I paused. Tom Riddle. Tom Riddle. I looked up towards the brown haired boy. “Tom Riddle… Jr.?”

The expression on the boys face was that of anger, or annoyance, I wasn’t quite sure.

“Cootie Girl and Riddle, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” Billy sang, as he ran away down a hall.

I kept staring up at the boy, he was now making his way down the stairs. I smiled as he reached the ground in front of me. “Hello” I greeted.

He looked at me with an expression mixed of confusion and disgust, and simply ignored me and walked down the hall Billy had just run down. I hurried to catch up to him, and then I walked beside him, smiling wildly and in silence as we made our way to the mess hall.

I found you, Tom Riddle.

I found you.   

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