Part 32

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Part 32

Calista’s POV

Here I was again. Curled up in a corner, hugging my knees as I rocked back in fourth. It’s almost laughable how Evan has managed to put me in this state of depression mixed with extreme paranoia two times already.

Or maybe not. After all, they do say, “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

I was too shaken up to notice that I had said those words aloud. Or maybe I did notice and I just didn’t care enough to process it.

But the quote was true. I should’ve seen this coming. I never should’ve believed that he loved me. That I loved him.

I let out a small moan and buried my face in my arms as I felt the first droplets of tears burn the back of my eyes.

I wouldn’t cry. Not over him. He wasn’t worth my tears.

Yet, even as I was giving myself this pep-talk, the tears refused to listen. Giant drops fell from my eyes; the heavy rainclouds in my mind letting loose. I cried a river, with ragged currents flowing down my cheeks onto the damp and wilted collar of my shirt, and even then I cried some more.

This was ridiculous. Evan shouldn’t be this big of a deal. I was acting as if the entire world, and all of it’s beauty, had come to an end. Or as if I were a child, lost in a new city.

I didn’t deserve to be this sad about the whole thing, not when there was worse happening around me.

And yet there was nothing else I could do. Nothing but sit here and cry, and feel sorry for myself, and curse every part of Evan’s being as well as every part of my being that still loved him. 

A knock my bedroom door brought me out of my depressing reverie and I lifted my head slightly.

“Cal, are you okay?”

Electus’ soft voice floated through the wooden door and the genuine concern made me grimace. I didn’t want her to suffer from this. Then again, why was she suffering? She’s not even my real mother!

“Calista, please talk to me baby. You’re making me really sad with all this. At least tell me what’s going on. Just say something, anything!” her voice cracked at the end, and along with it was my resolve. This wasn’t her fault. I didn’t want her to hurt, but I didn’t feel like talking either.

I leaned back and wrapped my hands over my head again, huddling into a corner as I fought to regain control of my emotions. I could apologize to her later. Right now, I just needed to be alone with me and my own thoughts.

I just needed solitude.

Before I could go back to moping, Carly Rae Jepsen interrupted me as she proceeded to sing Call Me Maybe at the top of her lungs.

I looked over to find my cell phone ringing beside my bed. I really wanted to leave it be, but some tiny part of me was thinking it might be Evan. And an even tinier part was hoping that it would  be.

“It’s probably Electus…” I mumbled to myself. Unsure if I was convincing myself or not. Still, I dragged myself up and shuffled over the few feet it took to get to my phone. And, battling against my better judgment, I picked pressed the little green button.

“Heya Cal!” McKenzie’s bubbly voice battered my ear and I groaned.

“Kenzie, I’m really not feeling that well. I’ll call you lat-”

“No can do. There’s a serious issue. Matt hasn’t picked up any of my calls!”

I ran my hand through my hair slowly before sighing. I might as well get this over with quickly, “Well maybe he’s just busy Ken. People do tend to have lives…”

“No. This is different. Ever since this morning, he’s not answered once. And when I called him mom, she said he must’ve gone out ‘cuz she doesn’t know,” her voice wavered slightly and I realized how worried she must be. It makes sense, I’d be worried too if Evan-

I cut myself off, gulping down the wave of tears that threatened to overtake me. I couldn’t think about him. Not now.

“Are you still there? Cal?”

“Y…yeah. I’m here, just…yeah,” I choked out, trying to hold myself together. Luckily the bad reception was enough to mask my wavering voice as McKenzie continued,

“I’m really worried Cal. I just-wait. Someone’s at the door. I-”

As a scream pierced through the receiver, I jolted up.

“Kenzie? McKenzie! MCKENZIE!!!” my screams filled the room as the only response was the cold beeping of the dial tone.

Something was horribly wrong.

My depressed mood gone, I leapt up and paced around me room trying to formulate a plan. I was wasting time, Kenzie could be in trouble!

A white square on the bedroom window caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

Pausing, I turned slowly. My stomach plunged as I recognized the precise script.

With shaking fingers, I pulled open the window and grasped the small note:

West Rodchester Street #212

I let you run.

Now, I’m done waiting.

See you soon Cally.


The phone fell from my hand as I ran out the door.

***A/N And now the fun begins. >:D I don't want to give anything away, but i will say that there's 12 more chapters (including the epilogue) before the end. So, what do you guys think will happen? I already know, but i'm interested in knowing your predictions. :)

Vote, COmment, and Fan!

Peace, Love, and Applesauce!

<3 Aissa***

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