Part 18

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Part 18

Evan’s POV

She’s not here.

I scanned the classroom again, and again, and again.

She’s not here.

“Dude, what’s up with you today?”

Logan placed his arm on my shoulder and I tried desperately to calm down. She wasn’t here. That’s not such of a big deal. Even so, the strange feeling from Saturday had not left me in the days that I did not see her. In fact, it heightened and added a sense of worry.

I hate worry.

“Nothing, it’s nothing. I’m fine,” I smiled awkwardly at him. He gave me a suspicious glance before turning back to the teacher. As for me, I still couldn’t let go of the fact that Calista wasn’t in the classroom. Wasn’t gracing the world with her wonderful presence. Wasn’t- wait…what? Uncaring if anyone saw me, I let out a cry of frustration. What was she doing to me?

Maybe she had used some sort of power on me to make my life hell as payback. Only my life already is a living hell, so the power only confuses me instead.

Yes, that must be it.

No matter how many times I tried to solidify this idea, I knew that it was no fault but my own that I was in this state.

“It’s a horrible feeling you know. Guilt. And worry, worry’s pretty bad too. You can feel them, rumbling around in your stomach.”

Logan stared at me like I was a lunatic,

“Dude! What the hell? Did you put orange juice in your cereal again?!”

I responded with an ethereal smile. The fight slowly draining out of me as the emotions began to take control. They pushed, prodded, filled me with such a rotten sense that I couldn’t take it anymore.

I’d have to see her.

Even if it’s just to make sure that she’s okay and happy. It would ease all of the confusion and bring my life back to the sane hell that it already was.

I would have to see her. Tomorrow.

Decided on this plan, I tried my best to focus on the teachers words.

Advanced Algebra Pop Quiz. Just my luck.

***Author’s note: Hey, sorry about the short-ish chapter and the long-ish silence. :/

In short…my sidekick left while I was battling the homework demon and the demon almost one-upped me! But then he came back and brought me a chocolate bar so everythings alright!

Also, I’m working on a special christmas short story! (If I can get it up in time) I’m already more than halfway finished. It is pretty short though. Only three parts. But I just wanted to do something to spread some of that holiday cheer.

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Peace, Love & Reindeer Shaped Cookies!


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